Author: Elizabeth Coppock

New cross-linguistic paper on implicatures

Differences in implicature across languages stem from differences in salience of alternatives by Danielle Dionne & Elizabeth Coppock Abstract Scalar implicature depends on the activation of alternatives. For instance, in English, finger implicates `not thumb’, suggesting that thumb is activated an alternative. Is this because it is more specific (Quantity) and equally short (Manner)? Indeed, […]

Summer UROP award to James Cooper Roberts

James Cooper Roberts has been awarded a summer UROP fellowship, to work on the project of automatically generating referring expressions for objects in complex scenes. He will be developing an annotated corpus. Welcome!

Ying Gong & Elizabeth Coppock present at LSA!

Ying Gong and Elizabeth Coppock presented a talk entitled “Mandarin has degree abstraction after all” at the LSA in January 2021. If you missed it, don’t worry — you can watch it here! And here are the slides:

Probability and Meaning 2020

We gave a talk at the Probability and Meaning conference, hosted by the University of Gothenburg in October 2020. In this talk, we undertake a side-by-side comparison between image captioning and reference game human datasets and show that they differ systematically with respect to informativity.   The related paper can be found here: It […]

Published in Language!

An article entitled “Universals in Superlative Semantics” by Elizabeth Coppock, Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten, and Golsa Nouri-Hosseini has been published in Language, the official journal of the Linguistic Society of America! Click here to read it. Abstract: This article reports on the results of a broad crosslinguistic study on the semantics of quantity words such as many […]

Ying Gong presents at LFRG

On Wednesday, September 23rd, Ying Gong presented her work in progress on degree abstraction in Mandarin at LFRG (LF Reading Group) at MIT. Abstract: According to Beck et al. (2004), not all languages with degree predicates have degree abstraction. A language with a negative setting of their degree abstraction parameter (DAP) is one in which […]

Poster to be presented at Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM)

Danielle Dionne and Elizabeth Coppock will be giving a poster called “Tattoos as a window onto cross-linguistic differences in scalar implicature” at the first annual Experiments in Linguistic Meaning conference, to be hosted virtually by the University of Pennsylvania, September 16-18:

Danielle Dionne wins ‘Best Lightning Talk’ at WeSSLLI!!

Huge congratulations to Ph.D. student Danielle Dionne, who won ‘Best Lightning Talk’ at the Web Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (hosted by Brandeis this summer, in lieu of NASSLLI). She presented her research on cross-linguistic variation in pragmatics, focussing on what happens when one language lacks a simple, one-word equivalent for a single […]

Welcome to Ying Gong!

We are very lucky to have BU Ph.D. student Ying Gong working with us this summer. She will be concentrating on degree abstraction especially in Mandarin.