Author: Elizabeth Coppock

Prof. Coppock delivers keynote address at Amsterdam Colloquium 2024

Prof. Coppock was among the keynote speakers at Amsterdam Colloquium 2024. Her talk was entitled “Metrology and Mereology”. Download the slides from the talk here. Here is the abstract: This talk is about metrology and mereology. Of these, the latter is more familiar to formal semanticist, and, in conjunction with event semantics, has been of […]

African Linguistics Society kicks off!

On Friday October 18th, we will have our first meeting of the African Linguistics Club, with a talk by Ousmane Cisse and Elizabeth Coppock on the X-woo-X construction in Mandinka, an interesting way of expressing distributivity through reduplication. The talk will take place in the African Studies Center’s seminar room at 232 Bay State Road, […]

New paper on distributivity via reduplication in Mandinka!

The Proceedings of Triple A 10 have just been published, including a contribution by BU PhD student Ousmane Cisse and Prof. Elizabeth Coppock entitled “Reduplicated distributivity in Mandinka”. Here is a PDF of the published paper, and here is the video of our talk:   Cite as: Cisse, Ousmane and Elizabeth Coppock (2024). Reduplicated Distributivity […]

LiSLab represents at Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 3

Elizabeth Coppock, David Beaver and Emily Richardson made a contribution to the third Experiments in Linguistic Meaning conference entitled “Ordering is not ranking: A study of ordinals vs. degree modifiers in nested definites”. The slides are here.

Prof. Coppock presents in Budapest

Prof. Coppock gave a talk at the Hungarian Research Center for Linguistics in May, entitled “Division and distributivity: The case of Hungarian -nként”. The slides are here.

Boston University represents at ACAL 55!

BU linguistics came in force to ACAL 55 in May 2024 at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, contributing four talks: Andre Batchelder-Schwab and Chris Collins: “Classification of Tschila” Nairan Wu: “Remnant movement and word order constraints in Khoekhoe (Nama-Damara)” Jackson Kellogg and Jonathan Barnes: “Word- and phrase-level prosodic structure in Amharic” Ying Gong and Elizabeth […]

Professor Coppock presents in Ghana

Professor Coppock gave an invited talk at the University of Ghana in Accra, for a meeting of a German-based international network of researchers on definiteness. The focus of the workshop was on definiteness-marking and clausal determiners in Akan and other languages of West Africa. For bare nouns in Akan vs. ones marked by the definiteness […]

Gong & Coppock publish in Natural Language Semantics!

Ying Gong and Elizabeth Coppock have published an article in Natural Language Semantics showing the existence of degree abstraction in Mandarin. Could degree abstraction actually be a universal feature of natural language?? Even if not, we have some rock-solid arguments that degree abstraction exists in Mandarin despite previous claims to the contrary. Officially published version […]

Paper on Degree Abstraction in Mandarin accepted at Natural Language Semantics!

Ying Gong and Elizabeth Coppock’s joint work on degree abstraction in Mandarin, Is Degree Abstraction a Parameter or a Universal? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese will appear in Natural Language Semantics! Abstract: Mandarin Chinese, along with Japanese, Yoruba, Moore, and Samoan, has been argued to lack ‘degree abstraction’, a configuration at LF involving lambda abstraction over […]

Paper on Moore to be presented at ACAL 2024

Ying Gong and Elizabeth Coppock will present a talk on the degree system of Moore (a Gur language spoken in Burkina Faso) at the 55th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 55) in Montreal in May 2024. Abstract: