African Linguistics Society kicks off!

On Friday October 18th, we will have our first meeting of the African Linguistics Club, with a talk by Ousmane Cisse and Elizabeth Coppock on the X-woo-X construction in Mandinka, an interesting way of expressing distributivity through reduplication.

The talk will take place in the African Studies Center’s seminar room at 232 Bay State Road, Room 505.

When: Friday October 18th, 4pm-6pm
– Talk 4-4:45, questions 4:45-5:15,
– Free West African food 5:15-6

Where: African Studies Center, 232 Bay State Road, seminar room (Rm 505)

Speakers: Ousmane Cisse and Elizabeth Coppock (Boston University)

Title: Reduplicated Distributivity in Mandinka


We will be presenting on a way of expressing distributivity in Mandinka based on reduplication, which we call the X-woo-X construction. Example:

Musu-woo-musu ye kini taboo too le
woman-DIST-woman PRED rice cooking know PERF
‘Each woman knows how to cook rice.’

This is a shameless plug to promote our recently-published Triple A proceedings paper:

Cisse, Ousmane and Elizabeth Coppock (2024). Reduplicated Distributivity in Mandinka. In Jeanne Lecavelier, Niklas Geick, Mira Grubic, Prarthanaa Bharadwaj and Malte Zimmermann (eds.), Proceedings of Triple A 10 (2023), 75–89.

Coming to the talk gets you out of having to read the paper!

Visit the African Linguistics Club page for more information.