Anna Lim presents at Language First and High Desert Linguistics Society
This Fall, LAVA Lab member and PhD candidate, Anna Lim, participated in two virtual presentations on her current research project, “The Labyrinthine, Escheresque, and Matryoshkan Nature of the Immigrant Deaf BIPOC Student Experience in U.S. Deaf Education”. Her research investigates the educational experiences of Immigrant deaf BIPOC (IDBIPOC) students through the context of immigration in the United States. Anna’s research examines the issues which further complicate the ability of IDBIPOC students to navigate U.S. deaf education system in order to generate awareness of language ideologies, both in English and ASL, as a political act.
This November, Anna discussed her findings during a live Language First webinar to an audience of academics, parents and educators. She also participated in a panel, “Race, Racism, and Racialization in Sign Language Research and Deaf Studies” at the 14th Annual High Desert Linguistics Society virtual conference hosted by the University of New Mexico. Anna’s research calls attention to the educational experiences and barriers faced by IDBIPOC students in the United States and we look forward to future discussions of her findings.