
Dr. Kumar was on the Healing Pain podcast!

February 10th, 2022

Dr. Kumar was a guest on the Healing Pain Podcast to discuss our recent work on association of physical therapy interventions with opioid use in people after total knee replacement surgery.

Listen or watch to the podcast here!

APTA CSM Presentations

February 3rd, 2022

Akshat Mehta, a DPT student in our group is at APTA CSM presenting our work!


Kerry’s poster featured in ACR extended programming!

January 18th, 2022

Kerry presented her work "Machine Learning to Predict Medial Knee Cartilage Worsening over 2 Years Using Gait and Physical Activity: The MOST Study" and this was not only highlighted during the conference but also picked up as a feature for ACR 2021 Debriefs and Poster Tours which was scheduled for Feb 4, 2022.

Read here about coverage of Kerry's work during the ACR Convergence meeting!

Congratulations Soyoung Lee on passing PhD comprehensive examinations!

November 13th, 2021

Congratulations Soyoung Lee for becoming a PhD candidate and passing the 8 months long comprehensive exam process! Soyoung will continue her research at the Movement lab looking into alterations of brain function during movement and exercise in people with chronic pain using fNIRS. Congrats Soyoung!

Summer BBQ!

June 12th, 2021

We got together, safely, in-person for a BBQ at Deepak's home!