*Underline denotes advisee
In Review
(120) Smith, I.A., Li, D., Fork, D.K., Wellenius, G.A., Hutyra, L.R. Optimizing urban cooling: A statistical approach to estimate tree canopy and cool roof expansion impacts on air temperature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in review.
(119) Sanders-DeMott, R., Hutyra, L.R., Hurteau, M.D., Keeton, W.S., Fallon, K.S., Anderegg, W.R.L., Hollinger, D.Y., Kuebbing, S.E., Lucash, M.S., Ordway, E.M., Vargas, R., Walker, W.S. Ground-Truth: Can Forest Carbon Protocols Ensure High-Quality Credits? Earth’s Future, in review.
(118) Winbourne, J.B., Palazzoli, I., Schifman, L., Gately, C.K., Smith, I.A., Hutyra, L.R. Spatial and seasonal trends in biogenic and fossil fuel carbon dioxide fluxes among three metropolitan regions, Elementa, in review.
In Press
(117) Morreale, L., Thompson, J., Pasquarella, V., Hutyra, L.R. Edge cases: Fragmentation in temperate forest landscapes, Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, in press.
(116) Abramoff, R.Z., Warren, J.M., Harris, J., Phillips, J.R., Winbourne, J., Smith, I., Reinmann, A., Hutyra, L.R., Allen, D.W., Mayes, M.A. Shifts in belowground Processes along a temperate forest edge. Landscape Ecology, 39(5), 2024.
(115) Pitt, J.R., Lopez-Coto, I., Karion, A., Hajny, K.D., Tomlin, J., Kaeser, R., Jayarathne, T., Stirm, B.H., Floerchinger, C.R., Loughner, C.P., Commane, R., Gately, C.K., Hutyra, L.R., Gurney, K.R., Roest, G.S, Liang, J., Gourdji, S., Mueller, K.L, Whetstone, J.R.,
Shepson, P.B., New York City methane emissions: what are we missing?, Environmental Science & Technology, 58(21) 9147-9157, 2024.
(114) Warner, K., Sonti, N.F., Cook, E.M., Hallett, R.A., Hutyra, L.R., Reinmann, A.B. Urbanization exacerbates climate sensitivity of eastern United States broadleaf trees. Ecological Applications, e2970, 2024.
(113) Pitt, J.R., Lopez-Coto, I., Karion, A., Hajny, K.D., Tomlin, J., Kaeser, R., Jayarathne, T., Stirm, B.H., Floerchinger, C.R., Loughner, C.P., Commane, R., Gately, C.K., Hutyra, L.R., Gurney, K.R., Roest, G.S, Liang, J., Gourdji, S., Mueller, K.L, Whetstone, J.R., Shepson, P.B., New York City methane emissions: what are we missing?, Environmental Science & Technology.
(112) Smith, I.A., Templer, P.H., Hutyra, L.R. Water sources for street trees in mesic urban environments, Science of the Total Environment.
(111) Rindy, J., Pierce, E., Geddes, J., Garvey, S., Gewirtzman, J., Driscoll, C., Hutyra, L.R., Templer, P.H., Effects of Urbanization and Forest Fragmentation on Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs and Ambient Nitrogen Oxide and Ozone Concentrations in Mixed Temperate Forests, Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 2023.
(110) Jones, T.S., Logan, B.C., Reblin, J.S., Bombard, D.M., Ross, B.P., Allen, D.W., Marrs, J.K., Hutyra, L.R. Stress-induced Changes in Photosynthesis and Proximal Fluorescence Emission of Turfgrass. Environmental Research Communications, 5(11), 2023.
(109) Tatsumi, C., Atherton, K.F., Garvey, S.M., Conrad-Rooney, E., Morreale, L., Hutyra, L.R., Templer, P.H., Bhatnagar, J.M. Urbanization and edge effects interact to drive mutualism breakdown and the rise of unstable pathogenic communities in forest soils. Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences, 120(36): e2307519120, 2023.
(108) Tatsumi, C., Atherton, K.F., Garvey, S.M., Conrad-Rooney, E., Morreale, L., Hutyra, L.R., Templer, P.H., Bhatnagar, J.M. Urbanization and edge effects interact to drive mutualism breakdown and the rise of unstable pathogenic communities in forest soils. Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences, 120(36): e2307519120, 2023.
(107) Jimenez, R.B., Bozigar, M., Janulewicz, P., Lane, K.J., Hutyra, L.R., Fabian, P.M. School greenness and student-level academic performance: Evidence from the Global South, Geohealth, 7(8): e2023GH000830, 2023.
(106) Garvey, S.M., Templer, P.H, Bhatnagar, J., Hutyra, L.R. Soils at the Forest Edge, Science of the Total Environment, 891: 164320, 2023.
(105) Conrad-Rooney, E., Gerirtzman, J., Pappa, Y., Pasquarella, V., Hutyra, L.R., Templer, P.H. Atmospheric Wet Deposition in Urban and Suburban Sites Across the United States, Atmospheric Environment, 305:119783, 2023.
(104) Caron, S. Garvey, S.M., Gewirtzman, J. Schultz, K., Bhatnagar, J.M., Driscoll, C., Hutyra, L.R., Templer, P.H. Urbanization and Fragmentation Have Opposing Effects on Soil Nitrogen Availability in Temperate Forest Ecosystems, Global Change Biology,
29(8): 2156-2171.
(103) Smith, I.A., Fabian, P.M., Hutyra, L.R., Landcover composition and albedo impacts on urban surface temperature across seven United States cities: Towards optimal climate sensitive design, Science of the Total Environment, 857: 159663, 2023.
(102) Tiesken, K., Smith, I.A., Jimenez Celsi, J.B., Hutyra, L.R., Fabian, M.P. Mapping the Cooling Health Benefits of Greenspace through an Ecosystem Services Framework. Science of the Total Environment, 845(1): 157283, 2022.
(101) Hajny, K.D., Floerchinger, C., Pitt, J., Tomlin, J., Kaeser, R., Stirm, B.H., Jayarathnew,T., Gately, C.K., Sargent, M., Gurney, K., Roest, G., Lopez-Coto, I., Turner, A.J., Hutyra, L.R., Shepson, P.B., Wofsy, S.C. A spatially-explicit inventory scaling approach to estimate urban CO2 emissions. Elementa, 10.1525/elementa.2021.00121, 2022.
(100) Mitchell, L., Lin, J., Hutyra, L.R., Bowling, D., Cohen, R., Davis, K., DiGangi, E., Duren, R., Ehleringer, J., Fain, C., Falk, M., Guha, A., Karion, A., Keeling, R., Kim J., Miles, N., Miller, C., Newman, S., Pataki, D., Prinzivalli, S., Ren, X., Rice, A., Richardson, S., Sargent, M., Stephens, B., Turnbull, J., Verhulst, K., Vogel, F., Weiss, R., Whetstone J., Wofsy, S. A Multi-City Urban Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Measurement Data Synthesis. Scientific Data, 9(1): 361, 2022.
(99) Garvey, S.M., Templer, P.H., Pierce, E.A., Reinmann, A.B., Hutyra, L.R. Diverging patterns at the forest edge: Soil respiration dynamics of fragmented forests in urban and rural areas. Global Change Biology, 28(9): 3094-3109, 2022.
(98) Pitt, J., Lopez-Coto, I., Hajny, K.D., Tomlin, J., Kaeser, R., Jayarathne, T., Stirm, B.H., Floerchinger, C.R., Loughner, C.P., Commane, R., Gately, C.K., Hutyra, L.R., Gurney, K., Roest, G.S., Liang, J., Gourdji, S., Karion, A., Whetstone, J.R., Shepson, P.B. New
York City greenhouse gas emissions estimated with inverse modelling of aircraft measurements. Elementa, 10: 1, 10.1525/elementa.2021.00082, 2022.
(97) Winbourne, J.B., Smith, I.A., Stoynova, H., Kohler, C., Gately, C.K., Logan, B.A., Reblin, J., Reinmann, A.B., Allen, D.W., Hutyra, L.R. Quantification of urban forest and grassland carbon fluxes using bottom-up measurements and a satellite-based model in Washington DC/Baltimore area. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006568, 2022.
(96) Jimenez, R.B., Lane, K.J., Hutyra, L.R., Fabian, P.M. Spatial resolution of normalized difference vegetation index and greenness exposure misclassification in an urban cohort. Journal of Exposure Science Epidemiology 32(2): 213-222, 2022.
(95) Parazoo, N.C., Coleman, R.W., Yadav, V., Stavros, E.N., Hulley, G., Hutyra, L.R. Estimating Biological Carbon Fluxes in a Mixed Urban Mediterranean Landscape Using High Resolution Thermal and Optical Remote Sensing Constraints. Science of the Total Environment, 806: 151335, 2022.
(94) Morreale, L., Thompson, J.R., Tang, X., Reinmann, A.B., Hutyra L.R., Fragmentation impacts on temperate forest productivity: reversal of the tropical edge paradigm. Nature Communications 12:7181.
(93) Sargent, M. Floerchinger, C., McKain, K., Budney, J., Gottlieb, E., Hutyra, L.R., Rudek, J., Wofsy, S.C. Majority of US natural gas emissions unaccounted for in inventories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (44): e2105804118, 2021.
(92) Angot, H., Rutkowski, E., Sargent, M., Wofsy, S., Hutyra, L.R., Howard, D., Obrist, D. Selin, N. Atmospheric mercury sources in a coastal-urban environment: A case study in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, DOI: 10.1039/D1EM00253H, 2021.
(91) Smith, A.I., Li, D., Winbourne, J.B., Jones, T.S., Tieskens, K., Hutyra, L.R. A satellite- based model for estimating latent heat flux from urban vegetation. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution, 9: Article 695995, 2021.
(90) Marrs, J.K., Jones, T.J., Allen, D.W., Hutyra, L.R. Instrumentation sensitivities for tower-based solar-induced fluorescence measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 259, 112413, 2021.
(89) Tang, X., Woodcock, C.E., Olofsson, P., Hutyra, L.R. Assessment of land use / land cover change and associated carbon emissions and uptake in the Mekong Drainage Basin by time series analysis of MODIS and Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 256, 112336, 2021.
(88) Hundertmark, W.J., Lee, M., Smith, I.A., Bang, A.H.Y., Chen, V., Gately, C.K., Templer, P.H., Hutyra, L.R. Influence of Landscape Management Practices on Urban Greenhouse Gas Budgets. Carbon Balance and Management, 16(1): 1-12, 2021.
(87) Reinmann, A.B., Smith, I.A., Thompson, J., Hutyra, L.R. Forest fragmentation impacts on carbon balance across urban and rural landscapes. Environmental Research Letters, 15:114036, 2020.
(86) Werbin, Z., Brochu, P., Buckley, S., Butler, L., Connolly, C., Heidari, L., Bloemendaal, H.L., McCabe, T.D., Miller, T., Hutyra, L.R., A Decision Support Tool for Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effects through Treeplanting. Plos-One, e0224959, 2020.
(85) Marrs, J.K., Reblin, J.S., Logan, B.A., Allen, D.W., Reinmann, A.B., Bombard, D. Tabachnik, D., Hutyra, L.R.Is solar-induced fluorescence truly a proxy for photosynthesis? Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL087956, 2020.
(84) Lauvaux, T., Gurney, K.R., Miles, N.L., Davis, K.J., Richardson, S.J., Deng, A. Nathan, B.J., Oda, T., Wang, J.A., Hutyra, L., Turnbull, J. Policy-relevant assessment of urban CO2 emissions. Environmental Science and Technology, 54: 10237-10245, 2020.
(83) Winbourne, J.B., Jones, T.S., Garvey, S., Harrison, J., Wang, L., Li, D., Templer, P.H., Hutyra, L.R., Tree transpiration and urban temperatures: current understanding, implications, and future research directions. Bioscience, 70(6): 576-588, 2020.
(82) Jones, T.S., Winbourne, J., Hutyra. L.R. Ribbonized sap flux sensor: An integrated sap flow sensor. Ecospheres, 11(6):e03135, 2020.
(81) Decina, S.M., Templer, P.H., Hutyra, L.R. Hotspots of nitrogen deposition in urban areas: a global data synthesis. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, 18(2): 92–100, 2020.
(80) Tang, X., Hutyra, L.R., Arévalo, P., Baccini, A., Woodcock, C.E., Olofsson, P., Spatiotemporal tracking of carbon emissions and uptake using time series analysis of Landsat data: a spatially explicit carbon bookkeeping model. Science of the Total Environment, 720: 137409, 2020.
(79) Trlica, A., Hutyra, L.R. Smith, I.A., Morreale, L., Current and future biomass carbon uptake in Boston’s urban forest, Science of the Total Environment, 709: 136196, 2020.
(78) Barrera, Y., Nehrkorn, T., Hegarty, J., Sargent, M., Benmergui, J., Gottlieb, E., Wofsy, S., DeCola, P., Hutyra, L.R., Jones, T. Using Lidar Technology to Assess Urban Air Pollution and Improve Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Boston. Environmental Science & Technology.,53: 8957-8966., 2019.
(77) Smith, I.A., Hutyra, L.R., Reinmann, A.B., Thompson, J.R., Allen, D.W. Evidence for edge enhancements of soil respiration in temperate forests. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2019.
(76) Smith, I.A., Dearborn, V.K., Hutyra, L.R. Live fast, die young: accelerated growth, mortality, and turnover in street trees. Plos-One,14(5): e0215846,, 2019.
(75) Urbanowicz, C., Hutyra, L.R., Stinson, K.A. The effects of urbanization and land use on ragweed distribution. Ecosphere, doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2512, 2018.
(74) Hayes, D.J, R. Vargas, S.R. Alin, R.T. Conant, L.R. Hutyra, A.R. Jacobson, W.A. Kurz, S. Liu, A.D. McGuire, B. Poulter, and C.W. Woodall, 2018: Chapter 2: The North American carbon budget. In Second state of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2): A Sustained Assessment Report [Cavallaro, N., G. Shrestha, R. Birdsey, M.A. Mayes, R.G. Najjar, S.C. Reed, P. Romero-Lankao, and Z. Zhu (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 71-108,, 2018.
(73) Gurney, K.R., P. Romero-Lankao, S. Pincetl, M. Betsill, M.Chester, F. Creutzig, K. Davis, R. Duren, G. Franco, S. Hughes, L.R. Hutyra, C. Kennedy, R. Kreuger, P.J. Marcotullio, D. Pataki, D. Sailor, and K.V.R. Schafer, 2018: Chapter 4: Understanding urban carbon fluxes. In Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2): A Sustained Assessment Report [Cavallaro, N., G. Shrestha, R. Birdsey, M.A. Mayes, R.G. Najjar, S.C. Reed, P.Romero-Lankao, and Z.Zhu (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 189-228, 2018.
(72) Hayek, M. N., Longo, M., Wiedemann, K.T., Wu, J., Smith, M., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Tapajos, R., da Silva, R., Fitzjarrald, D.R., Camargo, P.B., Hutyra, L.R., Alves, L.A., Daube, B., Munger, J.W., Saleska, S.R., Wofsy, S.C. Factors Controlling Carbon Exchange in an Eastern Amazon Forest: from Hours to Years. Biogeosciences, doi: 10.5194/bg-15-4833-2018, 2018.
(71) Sargent, M., Barrera, Y., Nehrkorn, T., Hutyra, L.R., Gately, C.K., Jones, T., McKain, K., Sweeney, C., Hegarty, J., Hardiman, B., Wofsy, S.C. Anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 fluxes in the Boston urban region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1803715115, 2018.
(70) Smith, I.A., Hutyra, L.R., Reinmann, A.B., Marrs, J.K., Thompson, J. Piecing together the fragments: Elucidating edge effects on forest carbon dynamics. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, doi:10.1002/fee.1793, 2018.
(69) Hayek, M., Wehr, R., Hutyra, L.R., Longo, M., Wiedemann, K., Munger, J.W., Bonal, D., Saleska, S.R., Fitzjarrald, D.R., Wofsy, S.C. A novel correction for biases in forest eddy covariance carbon balance: the MS-PEARL correction. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,, 2018.
(68) Decina, S., Templer, P.H., Hutyra, L.R. Atmospheric Inputs of Nitrogen, Carbon, and Phosphorus Across an Urban Area: Unaccounted Fluxes and Canopy Influences. Earth’s Future, 10.1002/2017EF000653, 2018.
(67) Trlica, A., Hutyra, L.R., Schaaf, C., Erb, A., Wang, J. Albedo, land cover, and the urban heat island. Earths Future, 10.1002/2017EF000569, 2017.
(66) Gately, C.K. and L.R. Hutyra. Large uncertainties in urban-scale carbon emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 122: 11,242-11260, 2017.
(65) Scharenbroch, B.C., Carter, D., Bialecki, M., Fahey, R., Scheberl, L., Catania, M., Roman, L., Bassuk, N., Harper, R., Werner, L., Siewert, A., Miller, S., Hutyra, L., Raciti, S. A rapid urban site index for assessing the quality of street tree planting sites. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 27:279-286, 2017.
(64) Reinmann, A.B. and L.R. Hutyra.Local and global limitations to forest productivity as mediators of biogeochemical response to forest edge effects, in press. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114: E7033-E7034, 2017.
(63) Decina, S., Templer, P.H., Hutyra, L.R., Gately, C.K., Rao, P. Variability, drivers, and effects of nitrogen deposition across an urban area: emerging patterns among human activities, the atmosphere and soils. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 1524-1534, 2017.
(62) Kittridge, K.B., Thompson, J., Morreale, L., Short Gianotti, A., Hutyra, L.R. Three decades of forest harvesting along a suburban – rural continuum. Ecosphere, 8(7) e01882, 2017.
(61) Gately, C.K., Hutyra, L.R., Peterson, S., Sue Wing, I. Urban Emissions Hotspots: Quantifying Vehicle Congestion and Air Pollution Using Mobile Phone GPS Data. Environmental Pollution, 229:496-504, 2017.
(60) Hardiman, B., Wang, J., Hutyra, L.R., Gately, C., Getson, J., Friedl, M. Accounting for urban biogenic fluxes in regional carbon budgets. Science of the Total Environment, 592: 366- 372, 2017.
(59) Groffman, P.M., Cavender-Bares, J., Childers, D., Grimm, N.B., Grove, M., Hutyra, L.R., Pataki, D., Pickett, S., Pouyat, R., Rosi-Marshall, E., Ruddell, B. Moving towards a new Urban System Science, Ecosystems, 20: 38-43, 2017.
(58) Wang, J.A., Hutyra, L.R., Li, D., Friedl, M.A. Gradients of atmospheric temperature and humidity controlled by local urban land use intensity in Boston. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56: 817-831, 2017.
(57) Reinmann AB and LR Hutyra. Edge effects enhance carbon uptake and its vulnerability to climate change in temperate broadleaf forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(1): 107-112, 2017.
(56) Jenerette, G.D., Clarke, L.W., Avolio, M.L., Pataki, D.E., Gillespie, T., Pincetl, S., Nowak, D.J., Hutyra, L.R., McHale, M., McFadden, J.P., Alonzo, M. Climate Filters and Trait Choices Shape Urban Tree Biodiversity: Beyond Biome Matching and Homogenization. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25 (11), 1367-1376, 2016.
(55) Short, AGS, Getson, J., Hutyra, L.R., Kittredge, D.B. Experiencing and defining urban, suburban, and rural: A method to link perceptual definitions with geospatial measures of urbanization in central and eastern Massachusetts. Urban Ecosystems, 19: 823-833, 2016.
(54) Decina, S., Hutyra, L.R.,Gately, C., Getson, J., Reinmann, A.B., Short Gianotti, A.G, Templer, P. Soil respiration contributes significantly to urban carbon fluxes. Environmental Pollution 212: 433-439, 2016.
(53) Nguyen, H.T., Hutyra, L.R., Hardiman, B., Raciti, S.M., Variations in forest structure across a tropical peat dome. Ecological Applications, 26: 587-601, 2016.
(52) Hutyra, L.R. Urban nutrient cycling in Handbook on urbanization and global environmental change. In: Seto, K. C., W. Solecki and C. Griffith eds., Routledge Handbook on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change. Routledge, 2016.
(51) Reinmann, A.B., Hutyra, L.R., Trlica, A., Olofsson, P. Assessing the global warming potential of human settlement expansion in a mesic temperate landscape from 2005 to 2050. Science of the Total Environment, 546-546: 512-524, 2016.
(50) Gurney, K.G., Romero-Lankao, P., Seto, K.C., Hutyra, L.R., Duren, R., Kennedy, C., Grimm, N.B., Ehleringer, J.R., Marcotullio, P., Hughes, S., Pincetl, S., Chester, M.V., Runfola, D.M., Feddema, J.J., Sperling, J. Track urban emissions on human scales. Nature 525: 179-181, 2015.
(49) Briber, B., Hutyra, L.R., Reinmann, A.B., Raciti, S.M., Dearborn, V., Holden, C.E., Dunn, A.L., Enhanced tree growth rates following conversion from forested to urban land uses. Plos One 10(8): e0136237, 2015.
(48) Gately, C., Hutyra, L.R., Sue Wing, I. Cities, traffic, and CO2: A multidecadal assessment of trends, drivers, and scaling relationships. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (16): 4999-5004, 2015.
(47) Ng, B.J.L., Hutyra, L.R., Nguyen, H.T., Cobb, A., Fuu-Ming, K., Harvey, C., Gandois, L. In Press. Carbon fluxes from an urban tropical grassland. Environment Pollution, 203: 227-234, 2015.
(46) McKain, K., Down, A., Raciti, S., Budney, J., Hutyra, L.R., Floerchinger, C., Herdon, S., Zahniser, M., Nehrkorn, T., Jackson, R.B., Phillips, N., Wofsy, S.C., Methane Emissions from Natural Gas in the Urban Region of Boston, Massachusetts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112: 1941-1946, 2015.
(45) Kittredge, D.B., Short, A., Hutyra, L.R., Foster, D.R., Getson, J.M., Landowner conservation awareness across a rural-to-urban gradient. Biological Conservation 184: 79-89, 2015.
(44) Templer, P.H., Toll, J., Hutyra, L.R., Raciti, S.M., Nitrogen and Carbon Export from Urban Areas Through Removal and Export of Litterfall. Environmental Pollution 197: 256-261, 2015.
(43) Rao, P., Hutyra, L.R., Raciti, S.M., Templer, P.H., Atmospheric nitrogen inputs and losses along an urbanization gradient in the Boston metropolitan region. Biogeochemistry 121: 229- 245, 2014.
(42) Hutyra, L.R., Duren, R., Gurney, K., Grimm, N.B., Kort, E., Larson, E., Shrestha, G., Urbanization and the carbon cycle: Current capabilities and future outlook on observing and modeling urban carbon flows. Earth’s Future, 2(10): 473-495, 2014.
(41) Romero-Lankao, P., Gurney, K., Seto, K.C., Chester, M., Duren, R.M., Hughes, S., Hutyra, L.R., Marcotullio, P., Baker, L., Grimm, N.B., Kennedy, C., Larson, E., Pincetl, S., Runfola, L., Sanches, L., Shrestha, G., Feddema, J.J., Sarzynski, A., Sperling, J., Stokes, E., A critical knowledge pathway to low-carbon, sustainable futures: Integrating understanding of urbanization, urban areas, and carbon. Earth’s Future, 2(10): 515-532, 2014.
(40) Raciti, S.M., Hutyra, L.R., Newell, J.D. Mapping carbon storage in urban trees with multi- source remote sensing data: Relationships between biomass, land use, and demographics in Boston neighborhoods. Science of the Total Environment, 500-501: 73-83, 2014.
(39) Kong, F., Yin, H., James, P., Hutyra, L.R., He, H. Effects of spatial pattern of green space on urban cooling in a large metropolitan area of eastern China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 128: 35-47, 2014.
(38) Restrepo-Coupe, N., da Rocha, H.R., Hutyra, L.R., da Araujo, A.C., Borma, L.S., Christoffersen, B., Cabral, O.M.R., de Camargo, P.B., Cardoso, F.L., da Costa, A.C.L., Fitzjarrald, D.R., Goulden, M.L., Kruijt, B., Maia, J.M.F., Malhi, Y.S., Manzi, A.O., Miller, S.D., Nobre, A.D., von Randow, C., Abreu Sá, L.D., Sakai, R.K., Tota, J., Wofsy, S.C., Zanchi, F.B., Saleska, S.R., What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux network. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 182-183: 128-144, 2013.
(37) Rao, P., Hutyra, L.R., Raciti, S.M., Finzi, A.C., Field and remotely sensed measures of soil and vegetation carbon and nitrogen across an urbanization gradient in the Boston Metropolitan Area. Urban Ecosystems, 16: 593-616, 2013.
(36) Briber, B.M., Hutyra, L.R., Dunn, A.L., Raciti, S.M., Munger, J.W., Variations in atmospheric CO2 and carbon fluxes across a Boston, MA urban gradient. Land, 2(3): 304-327, 2013.
(35) Gately, C.K., Hutyra, L.R., Sue Wing, I., Brondfield, M.N., A bottom-up approach to on- road CO2 emissions estimate: Improved spatial accuracy and applications for regional planning. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(5), 2423–2430, 2013.
(34) Alberti, M. and L.R. Hutyra. Carbon signatures of development patterns along a gradient of urbanization in. Land Use and the Carbon Cycle: Science and Applications in Human Environment Interactions. Brown, D.G., Robinson, D.T., French, N.H.F., and B.C. Reed (eds). Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781107648357, 2013.
(33) Phillips, N.G., Ackley, R. Crosson, E.R., Down, A., Hutyra, L.R., Brondfield, M., Karr, J.D., Zhao, K., Jackson, R.B., Mapping urban pipeline leaks: methane leaks across Boston. Environmental Pollution, 173: 1-4, 2013.
(32) Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., Coe, S., Hutyra, L.R. Patterns of land cover change in the central Puget Sound, Washington, 1986-2007, Urban Ecosystems, 16: 109-129, 2013.
(31) Ivanov,V.Y., Hutyra, L.R., Wofsy, S.C., Munger, J.M., Saleska, S.R., de Olivera, R.C., de Carmargo, P. Root niche separation can explain avoidance of seasonal drought stress and vulnerability of overstory trees to extended drought in a mature Amazonian forest. Water Resources Research, 48: doi 10.1029/2012WR011972, 2012.
(30) Seto, K.C., B. Güneralp, Hutyra, L.R., Global Forecasts of Urban Expansion to 2030 and Impacts on Biodiversity and Carbon Pools. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (40): 16083-16088, 2012.
(29) Brondfield, M.N., Hutyra, L.R., Gately, C., Raciti, S.M., Peterson, S.A. Modeling and validation of on-road CO2 emissions inventories at the urban regional scale. Environmental Pollution, 170: 113-123, 2012.
(28) Raciti, S.M., Hutyra, L.R., Finzi, A.C. Depleted soil carbon and nitrogen stocks under impervious surfaces. Environment Pollution, 164: 248-251, 2012.
(27) Kim, Y., Knox, R.G., Longo, M., Medvigy, D., Hutyra, L.R., Pyle, E.H., Wofsy, S.C., Bras, R.L., Moorcroft, P.R., Seasonal carbon dynamics and water fluxes in an Amazonian rainforest. Global Change Biology, 18(4): 1322-1334, 2012.
(26) Raciti, S.M., Hutyra, L.R., Rao, P., Finzi, A.C., Inconsistent definitions of “urban” result in different conclusions about the size of carbon and nitrogen stocks. Ecological Applications 22(3): 1015-1035, 2012.
(25) Miller, S., Goulden, M.L., Hutyra, L.R., Keller, M., Saleska, S., Wofsy, S., Figueira, A., da Rocha, H., de Camargo, P., Reduced Impact Logging Minimally Alters Tropical Rainforest Carbon and Energy Exchange Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(48): 19431-19435, 2011.
(24) Hutyra, L.R., Yoon, B., Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., Alberti, A. Carbon consequences of land cover change and expansion of urban lands: A case study in the Seattle metropolitan region. Landscape and Urban Planning 103: 83-93, 2011.
(23) Hutyra, L.R., Yoon, B., Alberti, A. Terrestrial carbon stocks across a gradient of urbanization: A study of the Seattle, WA region. Global Change Biology, 17: 783-797, 2011.
(22) Costa, M., Biajoli, M., Saches, L., Malhado, A.C., Hutyra, L.R., Da Rocha, H.R., Aguiar, R. Atmospheric versus vegetation controls of Amazonian tropical rainforest evapotranspiration: are the wet and seasonally dry rainforests any different? Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 115, G04021, doi:10.1029/2009JG001, 2010.
(21) van Haren, J.L.M.R., de Oliveira, C., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Hutyra, L.R., de Carmargo, P.B., Saleska., S.R. Do plant species influence soil CO2 and N2O fluxes in a diverse tropical forest? Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02238.x, 2010.
(20) Alberti, M. and L.R. Hutyra. Detecting Carbon Signatures of Development Patterns across a Gradient of Urbanization: Linking Observations, Models, and Scenarios. Proceedings of the Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009: Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda, Vol.1, 1-12, 2009.
(19) van Gorsel, E., N. Delpierre, R. Leuning, A. Black, J.W. Munger, S. Wofsy, M. Aubinet, C. Feigenwinter, J. Beringer, D. Bonal, B. Chen, J. Chen, R. Clement, K.J. Davis, A. Desai, D. Dragoni, S. Etzold, T. Grünwald, L. Gu, B. Heinesch, L.R. Hutyra, W.W.P. Jans, W. Kutsch, B.E. Law, M.Y. Leclerc, I. Mammarella, L. Montagnani, A. Noormets, C. Rebmann, W. Sonia, Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 1919-1930, 2009.
(18) Grant, R.F., Hutyra, L.R., de Oliveira, R.C., Munger, J.W., Saleska, S.R., Wofsy, S.C., Modeling the carbon balance of Amazonian rainforests: Resolving ecological controls on net ecosystem productivity, Ecological Monographs, 79(3): 445-463, 2009.
(17) Malhi, Y., Aragão, L.E., Metcalfe, D.B., Patiño, S., Quesada, C.A., Almeida, S., Anderson, L., Brando, P., Chambers, J.Q., Costa, A.C.L., Martins, L., Hutyra, L.R., Oliveira, P., Pyle, E.H., Robertson, A.L. Comprehensive assessment of carbon productivity, allocation and storage in three Amazonian forests. Global Change Biology 15(5): 1255-1274, 2009.
2008 & Before
(16) Hutyra, L.R., Munger, J.W., Pyle, E.H., Saleska, S., Restrepo-Coupe, N., de Camargo, P.B., Wofsy, S.C., Resolving systematic errors in estimates of net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and ecosystem respiration in a tall-stature forest: application to a tropical forest biome, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148: 1266-1279, 2008.
(15) Pyle, E.H., Santoni, G.W., Nascimiento, H.E.M., Hutyra, L.R., de Carmago, P.B., Vieira, S., Saleska, S.R., Laurance, W.F., Wofsy, S.C., Dynamics and disequilibria of carbon, biomass, and structure in two Amazonian forests, Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 113, G00B08, doi:10.1029/2007JG000592, 2008.
(14) Luyssaert, S., I. Inglima, M. Jung, A.D. Richardson, M. Reichstein, D. Papale, S.L. Piao, E.D. Schulze, L.Wingate, G. Matteucci, L. Aragao, M. Aubinet, C. Beer, C. Bernhofer, K.G. Black, D. Bonal, J.M. Bonnefond, J.Chambers, P. Ciais, B. Cook, K.J. Davis, A.J. Dolman, B. Gielen, M. Goulden, J. Grace, A. Granier, A. Grelle, T. Griffis, T. Grünwald, G. Guidolotti, P.J. Hanson, R. Harding, D.Y. Hollinger, L.R. Hutyra, P. Kolari, B. Kruijt, W. Kutsch, F. Lagergren, T. Laurila, B.E. Law, G. Le Maire, A. Lindroth, D. Loustau, Y. Malhi, J. Mateus, M. Migliavacca, L. Misson, L. Montagnani, J. Moncrieff, E. Moors, J.W. Munger, E. Nikinmaa, S.V. Ollinger, G. Pita, C. Rebmann, O. Roupsard, N. Saigusa, M.J. Sanz, G. Seufert, C. Sierra, M.-L. Smith, J. Tang, R. Valentini, T. Vesala and I.A. Janssens. The CO2-balance of boreal, temperate and tropical forests derived from a global database. Global Change Biology, 13, 2509-2537, 2007.
(13) Hutyra, L.R., Munger, J.W., Saleska, S.R., Gottlieb, E.W., Daube, B.C., Dunn, A.L., Amaral, D.F., Camargo, P.B., Wofsy, S.C., Seasonal controls on the exchange of carbon and water in an Amazonian rainforest, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 112, G03008, 2007.
(12) Ichii, K., Hashimoto, H., White, M.A., Potter, C., Hutyra, L.R., Huete, A.R., Myneni, R.B., Nemani, R.R., Constraining rooting depths in tropical rainforests using satellite data and ecosystem modeling for accurate simulation of GPP seasonality, Global Change Biology, 13, 67-77, 2007.
(11) Huete, A.R., Didan, K., Shimabukuro, Y.E., Ratana, P., Saleska, S., Hutyra, L.R., Yang, W., Nemani, R.R. and Myneni, R. Amazon rainforests green-up with sunlight in dry season, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L06405, 2006.
(10) Liu, W.H., Bryant, D.M., Hutyra, L.R., Saleska, S.R., Hammond-Pyle, E., Curran, D., Wofsy, S.C., Woody debris contribution to the carbon budget of selectively logged and maturing mid-latitude forests, Oecologia, 148(1) 108-117, 2006.
(9) Hutyra, L.R., Munger, J.W., Nobre, C.A., Saleska, S.R., Vieira, S.A., Wofsy, S.C., Climatic variability and vegetation vulnerability in Amazonia, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L24712, 2005.
(8) Xiao, X.M., Moore, B., Zhang, Q., Saleska, S.R., Hutyra, L., Wofsy, S.C., Frolking, S., Boles, S., Keller, M., Satellite-based modeling of gross primary production in a seasonally moist tropical evergreen forest, Remote Sensing of Environment, 94 (1), 105-122, 2005.
(7) Bain, W.G., Hutyra, L., Patterson, D.C., Bright, A.V., Daube, B.C., Munger, J.W., Wofsy, S.C., Wind-induced error in the measurement of soil respiration using closed dynamic chambers, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 131 (3-4), 225-232, 2005.
(6) Vieira, S., de Carmago, P.B., Selhorst, D., da Silva, R., Hutyra, L., Chambers, J.Q., Brown,I.F., Higuchi, N., dos Santos, J., Wofsy, S.C., Trumbore, S.E., Martinelli, L.A., Forest structure and carbon dynamics in Amazonian tropical rain forests, Oecologia, 140, 468-479, 2004.
(5) Rice, A.H., Hammond, E.P., Saleska, S.R., Hutyra, L., Palace, M., Keller, M., de Carmargo, P.B., Portilho, K., Marques, D., Wofsy, S.C., Carbon Balance and Vegetation Dynamics in an Old-growth Amazonian Forest, Ecological Applications, 14 (4), s55-s71, 2004.
(4) Hutyra, L., Factors controlling long- and short-term sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in a mid-latitude forest, in Ecological Issues in a changing world, edited by S. Hong, Lee, J.A., Ihm, B., Farina, A., Son, Y., Kim, E., Cheo, J.C., pp. 82-84, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2004.
(3) Saleska, S.R., Miller, S.D.,Matross, D.M., Goulden, M.L., Wofsy, S.C., da Rocha,H., de Camargo, P.B., Crill, P., Daube, B.C., de Freitas, H.C., Hutyra, L., Keller, M., Kirchhoff, V., Menton, M., Munger, J.W., Pyle, E.H., Rice, A.H, Silva, H, Carbon fluxes in old-growth Amazonian rainforest: seasonality and disturbance-induced net carbon loss, Science, 302, 1554- 1557, 2003.
(2) Barford, C.C., Wofsy, S.C., Goulden, M.L., Munger, J.W., Pyle, E.H., Urbanski, S.P., Hutyra, L., Saleska, S.R., Fitzjarrald, D., Moore, K., Factors controlling long- and short-term sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in a mid-latitude forest, Science, 294, 1688-1691, 2001.
(1) Zwieniecki, M.A., L. Hutyra, M.V. Thompson, N.M. Holbrook, Dynamic changes in petiole specific conductivity in red maple (Acer rubrum L.), tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), and northern fox grape (Vitis labrusal L.), Plant Cell Environment, 23 (4), 407-417, 2000.