Category: Lectures

Gordon Shepherd on the Science of Flavor

By Miki Kawasaki Anyone looking for proof of the truly multidisciplinary nature of Gastronomy would have been well advised to attend Gordon Shepherd’s lecture Neurogastronomy: What is it, and why does it matter? on October 24th. Shepherd is a professor of Neurobiology at Yale University whose research has largely focused on the olfactory systems in […]

Dr. Warren Belasco Asks, “Can Food Save Washington?”

by Miki Kawasaki On September 17th, members of the BU Gastronomy community had the pleasure of attending a lecture by visiting professor Warren Belasco entitled Can Food Save Washington? Inventing Terroir for the Nation’s Capital. Dr. Belasco spoke from the perspective of an “angry Washingtonian” who has lived in the city for four decades. In […]