Author: Gastronomy Education

Five Habits of Highly Effective Food Blog Readers

This is the first post in a two-part series on effectively reading food blogs.  by Sarah Morrow These days, food blogs are everywhere. As gastronomy students, we have an urge to not only read all the food news and recipes we come across, but to participate in the myriad of online food communities. This urge, […]

Food News Round Up: Soda Size Squabbles and Other Tidbits

Everyone and their mother has an opinion on New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposal to limit restaurant soft-drink servings to 16 ounces. Will it help create a healthier food environment?  Will it help citizens to make healthier choices?  Will it limit choice?  Will it eradicate freedom as we know it? Here are a selection […]

Gastronomy Alumna: Hungry in Hungary

by Meg Jones Wall The past few years have held some wonderful, life-changing experiences for me. I got married. I realized that working in retail does not suit my personality. I entered the BU Gastronomy program. I even had some food that I helped prepare and style published in the Boston Globe’s Thanksgiving cover story. […]

Alumna Profile: Vivian Liberman

by Emily Contois When I asked Vivian Liberman when she first became interested in food, she exclaimed, “Always!” Liberman grew up in Colombia and loved going food shopping as a child with her mother. “Two things were my job,” she says, “to pick out the fruit and to shuck the peas.” She followed her love […]