Announcing: the Graduate Journal of Food Studies

“As a community of food-studies scholars, we show that food and drink can be valuable lenses through which interdisciplinary questions can fruitfully explored, while at the same time being mindful that in seeing through food we don’t continue to ignore the medium itself as a mere means to other ends. The specificity of food matters. The Graduate Journal of Food Studies hopes to be a forum that furthers the study of food by giving voice to a nascent cohort of interested scholars and encouraging dialogue that transcends disciplinary boundaries.”
– Brad Jones (’14), Founding Editor-in-Chief

by Chris Maggiolo

Spearheaded by BU Gastronomy alumnus Brad Jones (’14), the Graduate Journal of Food Studies engages masters and doctoral students from around the world in the field’s first student-run and peer-edited academic journal. Seeking to tie together a growing and diverse student body, the journal exists as a space in which students may present independent research, offer book reviews, and otherwise connect with peers throughout the academic arena of food studies.

While at its core a student driven product, the Graduate Journal of Food Studies also includes a sizable and very respectable faculty advisory committee, listed below. World renowned scholars and educators aided the journal’s founding editors from start to finish. Without their support, this fantastic undertaking would not have been possible.

Faculty Advisory Board

Ken Albala (University of the Pacific)
Patricia Allen (Marylhurst)
Rachel Ankeny (Adelaide)
Warren Belasco (UMBC)
Amy Bentley (NYU)
Rachel Black (Boston University)
Melissa Caldwell (UCSC)
Simone Cinotto (UNISG)
Carole Counihan (Millersville University)
Lisa Heldke (Gustavus Adulphus)
Alice Julier (Chatham)
Jane Kauer (Penn)
Fabio Parasecoli (New School)
Heather Paxson (MIT)
Amy Trubek (UVM)
David Szanto (Concordia)
Harry West (SOAS)
Andrea Wiley (IU)

The efforts and contributions of former and current Boston University Gastronomy students also played a pivotal role in the journal’s premiere edition. The founding editorial board is comprised of many Boston University students. These students not only peer-reviewed submissions, but they also designed the layout, produced artwork, and created the journal’s website. Furthermore, the journal’s first issue features articles by Emily Contois (’13) and Miki Kawasaki (’14) as well as book reviews by Chris Maggiolo (’14) and Brad Jones (’14). Wine and Culture: Vineyard to Glass, by BU Gastronomy professor Rachel Black, was among the books reviewed in this edition.

In the upcoming months, the Graduate Journal of Food Studies will be accepting submissions for its second issue. Students working on food-related research projects are encouraged to apply. Please refer to the About section of the journal website for submission guidelines. If current students wish to participate in the journal’s production, the committee is currently seeking a new editorial staff. Please submit inquiries to


Chris Maggiolo (’14) is a recent alumni of the Boston University MLA in Gastronomy program and was a founding associate editor of the Graduate Journal of Food Studies. He currently works in the Boston Greater Area as a beverage industry and artisanal food consultant and as a freelance writer and photographer.

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