The Cookbook Project
As part of our Practicing Gastronomy series, join us this Wednesday, November 30th, from 4:45-5:45 pm in Fuller 109 for a lecture and discussion with Cookbook Project founders Alyssa and Adam. Get to know this amazing duo and learn about their passion for sustainability, food justice, and food education! Plus, find out how you can get involved.
From their website:
“The Cookbook Project (CBP) is an international tax-exempt non-profit organization that combines youth education with Food Justice and the Slow Food Movement’s goals of providing access to fresh healthy whole foods while helping to preserve local food cultures. The organization facilitates food-oriented experiential education workshops in conjunction with non-profit youth organizations worldwide. These workshops focus on using food culture as a vehicle for educating youth experientially about the connection between food, the environment, health and wellness. Topics explored include local food culture, food geography, sustainable consumption, hygiene, and cooking skills. In addition to hosting youth education workshops CBP also train leaders of all ages around the world to be able to lead Cookbook Project Workshops where they live, work, and travel through a variety of programs.
The Cookbook Project sees food as universal, and a common ground for uniting humanity. Join us and learn how to eat fresh, cook local, be healthy, save the planet, and most importantly — play with your food!”
In addition to this workshop, Alyssa and Adam will be hosting a Creole Caribbean cooking class at The Cambridge Center for Adult Education on December 4th from 3-6pm. All proceeds from the class will go to support an upcoming workshop in Haiti, and Alyssa’s agreed to offer a discount to Gastronomy students ($50-75). For more information or to sign up, contact Alyssa and Adam through their website.