Recent News
Hariri Research Incubation Award
Prof. Li (in collaboration with Prof. Tron from ME) recently received a Hariri Institute Research Incubation Award for developing a new paradigm to protect multi-agent robot systems from cyber-attacks.
Gift from Toyota ITC
The Dependable Computing Lab would like to acknowledge the gift from Toyota ITC for supporting our research on safe learning for intelligent transportation systems.
Prof. Li will serve on the TPC of ICCAD’18
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Prof. Li will serve on the TPC of EMSOFT 2018
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Prof. Li will serve on the TPC of ICESS 2018
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Prof. Li visited Prof. Zhong Shao’s group at Yale and gave a talk on “Towards Assured Autonomy: From System Design to Algorithm”
Prof. Li is serving on the program committee of the 2018 55th ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
Preprint of “Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning” available on arXiv
Prof. Li is serving on the program committee (theory track) of the 2018 International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
New Group Members
Joaquin Giorgi and Jennifer Norell joined the Dependable Computing Lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!