Recent News
Paper on verifying weakly-hard systems accepted at HSCC’19.
Wenchao was recently named a Junior Faculty Fellow at the Hariri Institute.
Wenchao received the Peter J. Levine Career Development Professorship.
2018–2019 Career Development Awards Honor Eight Junior Faculty
Penny joined our group from Greece. Welcome!
Edward is our RISE intern for the summer. Welcome!
Panyang (PKU) and Yishuang (USTC) are visiting us from China for the summer. Welcome!
Wenchao gave the talk on “Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning” at CAV’18.
Slides available at this link.
Weichao successfully defended his master thesis. Congratulations!
Wenchao served on the expert panel on Explainable AI at the MathWorks Research Summit 2018.
“Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning” Accepted at CAV’18
Congratulations to Weichao for his first CAV paper!