Recent News
New NSF CPS Project with Roberto Tron and Cristina Nita-Rotaru
Securing multi-agent systems through physical cognition and control synthesis:
- Project website:
- NSF Award:
New ONR Project with Qi Zhu and Hyoseung Kim
This project will develop the foundations of a cross-layer paradigm for building adaptive, dependable and secure systems under weakly-hard real-time constraints.
Invited to serve on the TPC of DAC 2020
Invited to serve on the TPC of TACAS 2020
Invited to serve on the TPC of DATE 2020
Invited to serve on the TPC of HSCC 2020
Organizing a special session with Jyo Deshmukh on “Safe Autonomy” at ICCAD 2019.
Four exciting talks from industry and academia on the topic of safety assurance of autonomous systems using formal reasoning:!
New paper accepted at EMSOFT 2019
Our paper "ReachNN: Reachability Analysis of Neural-Network Controlled Systems" has been accepted to appear at EMSOFT'19. Congratulations to Jiameng and our collaborators at Northwestern and Dayton!
New paper accepted at ICLR SafeML Workshop
Paper on Safety-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning via Online Gaussian Process Estimation accepted at ICLR'19 Workshop on SafeML. Congratulations, Jiameng!
New paper accepted at AAMAS 2019 and SafeThings 2019
Papers on resilience of multi-robot systems to physical masquerade attacks accepted at AAMAS'19 and SafeThings'19. Congratulations, Kacper!