Recent News
POLAR accepted at ATVA’22
Congratulations to Jiameng and our wonderful collaborators. POLAR substantially outperforms current SOTA techniques for reachability analysis of neural network-controlled systems. arXiv preprint:
Congrats to Jiameng on successfully defending his Ph.D. Thesis!
Invited to Chair the Embedded, Cyber-Physical, and IoT Systems Track at ASP-DAC 2023
Please consider sending your strong papers to this track.
Two Papers Accepted at ICML’22
Weichao's paper on Symbolic Reward Machine and Jiameng's paper on Multi-View Information Bottleneck for Deep Reinforcement Learning have been accepted at ICML'22. Congrats to Weichao and Jiameng!
Invited to Serve on the Editorial Board of TCAD
Wenchao will serve as an Associate Editor in the Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things area.
Paper Accepted at ICLR’22
Our new paper on neural network repair has been accepted at ICLR'22. Congrats to Feisi!
Paper Accepted at AAAI’22
Our paper "Programmatic Reward Design by Example" has been accepted at AAAI'22. Congrats to Weichao!
Paper Accepted at DATE’22
Our paper "Opportunistic Communication with Latency Guarantees for Intermittently-Powered Devices" has been accepted at DATE'22. Congrats to Kacper and our collaborators at UC Riverside and Pitt!
Merna wins an UROP award!
Paper accepted at ACSAC’21
Penny's paper "MISA: Online Defense of Trojaned Models using Misattributions" has been accepted at ACSAC'21. Congratulations to Penny and our collaborators at SRI International.