Author: Lynn M Smithwick
This post is for Kelly Godwin Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder: Diverging Responses to Neglect While childhood trauma can consist of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, one of the most common reports received by child protective services is neglect. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED) are the […]
Fear, terror, anger, grief, trauma, never feeling safe again, violation, death of part of your soul, PTSD, flashbacks, rage, depression, anxiety, nightmares, and pain. These are the words my college roommate has used over the years as she moved forward from the darkness after a stranger broke into her home while she was sleeping, […]
Girls’ Juvenile Justice Involvement By Juliann Nicolson Over the last several decades a pipeline has clearly developed in the United States, connecting girls’ experiences with trauma to their juvenile justice involvement. At the core of this problem is American girls’ widespread exposure to physical, emotional and sexual abuse, which sets them up for an array […]
Boko Haram: Terrorism and Trauma According to our text, Boko Haram would be considered a culturally motivated terrorist group due to its agenda to retain cultural heritage and reject capitalism and democracy which it perceives as a corrupting influence. (Bartol & Bartol, 2017 p.230) When discussing terrorism in this class I believe that some classmates […]
Trauma becoming Murder Trauma looks different to everyone. What someone considers traumatic may not be so traumatic for the next person, but when something traumatic is experienced it has the potential to change that person forever. It can change the person’s perceptions, behavior, and character. Someone who is normally happy, optimistic, and light hearted can […]
Ross Metcalfe 12/11/2017 MET CJ 725 Blog Post: Neurological Dysfunction Within the Biological Theory One thing that stood out most from our Forensic Psychology course was the Biological Theory to criminality. More specifically it was the neurological dysfunction caused by trauma at a young age during brain maturation that really peaked my interest Trauma at […]
Fact Sheet 9 – Vicarious Trauma Hello All, Throughout our course and throughout the discussions around trauma we have to remind ourselves of wellness and self care. With the Personalized Approaches to Self Care I wanted to also add a very good ‘fact sheet’ on vicarious trauma ( also called compassion fatigue). Best, Lynn
Pre-Conference_Drs Bloom & Covington_Rethinking Evidence-Based Practice for Women and Girls_101109 Hello Everyone, I am quite passionate about working with at risk girls. During my career as an administrator I was fortunate to attend many conferences specific to justice for women and girls. Two pioneers in the field ( Covington and Bloom) presented many workshops. I […]