Appropriate Response to Evaluating and Treating Trauma in Incarcerated Women:

The percent of incarcerated women has skyrocketed by 750% from 1980 to 2017 (Park, 2022). Women have grown as prison population, however, the profile of a female offender is significantly different than that of a male. Specifically, most female inmates have experienced some form of trauma prior to their time in the facility. In addition, the prevalence of PTSD is at 53% for incarcerated women in comparison to 10% in the general population. Further, female offenders are more likely to have experienced sexual violence and/or victimization both prior to their time in the facility, as well as, within the correctional establishment. Women represent 22% of assaults imposed by other incarcerated persons and 33% of assaults imposed by staff in state and federal prisons (Heidi, 2022).

In addition, many young girls in jails report physical and sexual assault prior to getting arrested and engaging in prostitution and living on the streets in an attempt to escape violent interpersonal interactions (Cowan, 2019). Altogether, it is apparent that trauma in the form of physical and/or sexual abuse is not only prevalent as a mental health issue in female prison populations, but may be a significant contributing cause to criminal behavior (Rousseau, 2023). Therefore, it is imperative to address trauma within correctional settings not only as a means of mental health rehabilitation but also a remedy for recidivism.

Although many institutions are lacking adequate resources to combat the issue of trauma, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration identifies the following pillars in combating the issue of trauma; peer support, collaboration and mutuality, empowerment voice and choice, physical and psychological safety, trustworthiness and transparency, and cultural, historical, and gender issues. In addition, many departments of corrections (DOC) leaders have adopted evaluation strategies to properly assign inmates to appropriate treatment strategies. Some of the assessment tools include; Womens’ Risk and Needs Assessment, Service Planning Instrument for Women, and Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions. These efforts attempt to deal directly with the topic of trauma in an attempt to provide adequate interventions for women in need. Lastly, institutions that have recognized the issue and impact of trauma on mental health and rate of crime in female populations have provided the staff with training, policies, and procedures to recognize and approach trauma-based behaviors in an evidence-based manner (Park, 2022).



Heidi. (2022). Women in prison suffer trauma before and during incarceration. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from,and%20post%20traumatic%20stress%20disorder.

Park, Y., & About the author Yunsoo Park. (2022, March 11). Addressing trauma in women’s prisons. National Institute of Justice. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from

Cowan, B. A. (2019, April). Incarcerated women: Poverty, trauma and unmet need. American Psychological Association. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from


Rousseau, D. (2023). Module 4: All Pages. Black Board. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from

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