
I wanted to write about self-care because i think it’s one of the biggest “misses” within society’s health.  We are always trying to do too much, instead of seeking quality.  In our efforts to fit it all in; to have so many moments and touches, yet few have the meaning or impact they would if we had attended to them more fully.

I know I am so guilty of this; my wife will be speaking with me, asking a question, or wanting to converse, and I find myself staring at my phone, neither listening or engaging with her fully. Occasionally, I hear a word or something that catches my attention, or scares me (!), and I have to stop her and have her repeat.  Or maybe I am in the car, looking down at my texts while at a stoplight, a honk behind to tell me the light has turned.  Or quickly sending an email off without fully processing it, or thinking through the consequences, because I have too much going on, and just want to get it done.

But why? It’s a frenetic need to be involved, to not get behind or be left behind, to compete; associating our endless busy-ness with success. Yet I know in my own life, the quality of my interactions and personal connections have diminished. To the point where i am actively aware of it and looking for exit ramps when available.

These days I more frequently will  look for an opportunity to slow down, and connect more fully, either with myself, family or friends.  This past October i went on a 4 day camping trip in the Grand Canyon, with three high school friends I never get to see.  I put the trip together, found a guide, etc.  It wasn’t just that the trip was invigorating and a great time, being away from any cell phone coverage, but it revealed the meaningless import we put to so many things. They became obsolete. And on our return, nothing had changed, our lives were none the worse for it. Yet we all felt refreshed, and a new view of our day to day had been delivered.  Yes, too quickly, we jumped on our cell phones, and slid right back into our drum of activities.  But it did open my eyes to the great energy that we can recapture by allowing ourselves freedom from the frenzy.  I recommend to all that we look for these opportunities. It doesn’t need to be camping trip, just a few minutes alone in a car, a walk, a real talk with a friend about something meaningful and personal.  This is very available self-care that we need to grab.



Posted 2 years ago on

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