Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma can be a complex matter and can often go unseen. majority of the time children do not know how to deal or understand the affects of trauma and therefore try to forget about it and act like everything is fine or act as if nothing ever happened. When trauma is not dealt with in the proper way then it can cause different problems for a person as they grow older. For instance, a child could start acting out and participating in criminal activities, or start having mental problems such as anxiety or depression. children should not be afraid of dealing with trauma or going to someone for help, but at the same time parents and other adults who are close to the child should do their best to help the child if they go to them for help and not make them feel like what they are going through is not a problem or make them feel like they are over reacting. I feel like some parents are not aware of how trauma can affect a child or maybe they do not know how to help them so they just ignore the issue. I think there needs to be more resources especially in schools where children and adults are informed on how to receive help and also how to help a child through a traumatic event. when a child is suffering from anxiety or other mental illnesses caused by a traumatic affect we often do not know the signs or symptoms or they resemble other illnesses and therefore go undiagnosed or just left alone until a bigger problem is created. I have personal experience in this as I am a victim of childhood trauma that was not handled in the proper ways growing up. although I did not participate in any criminal activity I was never sure how to handle my anxiety or depression and my family never noticed what was wrong and kind of swept it under the rug until I was older, but even then they never tried to help me through my anxiety or depression. It wasn’t until I started going to therapy that I finally got my anxiety and depression under control and have an easier time handling it than when I was a child

Childhood Trauma

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