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Adverse Childhood Experiences are traumatic, but prevention and self-care can make it much better for the surviving individuals. ACE test correlates individuals with their childhood traumas seem wrong as we see it in the context of the Juvenile Justice system. the ACE test is conducted with a positive intention as part of the law in the criminal justice system. We cannot stop the ACE test from being conducted by the legal system, but we can fight ACEs in the longer run by taking certain steps. Self-care strategies practiced by the victims would also strengthen their mental health. Physical activities and meditation can play an important role in dealing with anxiety, abnormal and violent behavior following trauma. It is highly desirable to unearth the factors which are responsible for a violent behavior of an individual. ACE test, for that matter, becomes a necessity, especially for those who exhibit characteristics of violent nature. It should be optional for those who want to take it with their own will.


Keywords: Adverse Childhood Experience, ACE test, Past trauma

                                                          Criminal Justice Blog Entry

All across the world, several children are identified with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). These experiences are in the form of verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, etc., comprising personal experiences, and external affairs comprising of an alcoholic, abused, divorced, or jailed parent can also affect a child’s mental health. The test is conducted on legal practitioners and staff members and stands as an important test in the criminal justice system. However, this is a brutal act in the name of law as it triggers victims’ traumas which he has long forgotten. The ACE test would complement the practitioners in carrying out their job. The Test will help them understand the trauma. Also, the ACE test demonstrates the deep reasons behind an employee’s violent behavior. This test makes the victims relive their traumatic experiences of childhood to give something to the legal system. (Starecheksi, 2015). The test administered on the legal practitioners to a good extent helps in unearthing the reason behind the productivity.

The ACE test cannot be stopped from being taken as it is part of the solution to a particular case study. One thing that can be done is the practice of giving remedy to the individuals who suffered from Adverse Childhood Experiences in the past or not letting ACEs propel in the first place. Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris, a Californian Surgeon, is working hard to create awareness against Adverse Childhood Experiences, concluding that someone’s adversity is not their destiny. Moreover, specific ways can be used to determine a family’s internal conditions without interfering with any of them. One of them includes the FLAT (Family Law Adversity Test) scan, which will administer a screening survey that provides insight that could help the generations refrain from ACEs (Chroman, 2020).

While dealing with ACE test-taking individuals, cultural competencies must be taken into account. The in-house counselors or psychologists must be aware of the diverse culture of patients; otherwise, issues related to cultural competencies intervene with the test results. Likewise, the judiciary, litigation, and collaborative communities need to build an inter-disciplinary approach at an early level to fight ACEs. One measure can be making collaboration and mediation standard policies to help fight children with ACEs. The families who are scanned positive in the FLAT scans must be engaged with regular check-ups. The Centre proposed some strategies to fight ACEs for Disease Control and Prevention. These include giving economic support to families, promoting violence-free norms in society, engaging youth with trusted adults, intervene to cure long-term traumas. (National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2020) All these strategies need to be taken in order to fight the perceived issue.

As a measure of self-care and treatment approach, specific tools used by the victims themselves can prove to be effective in preventing the after-effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences in the longer run. These include building a healthy relationship by spending quality time with your loved ones. Meditation and exercise can help significantly to let go of past traumas acting as a form of catharsis. Better nutrition and sleep patterns would help maintain health and keep your mental health and subjective well-being healthy. For self-care, communication is the key. Building fit and effective communications with your loved ones keep you in good mental proportions. Likewise, being mindful of your surroundings emotionally and physically strengthens oneself. All these measures, if taken effectively by the ACE diagnosed individual, can improve his mental health.


Chroman, K. (2020). Making The Case for ACEs: How the Legal System Can Further Help Children and Take Meaningful Steps to Address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) . LACBA, 1-9.

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. (2020, September). Adverse Childhood Experiences. Retrieved from Centre for Disease Control and Prevention:

Starecheksi, L. (2015, March 2). Take The ACE Quiz — And Learn What It Does And Doesn’t Mean. Retrieved from NPR:



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