Qiang Cui (QC)

I often ask people to call me “QC” ’cause (1) it’s much easier than the original (Chinese) pronounication of my full name; (2) it maps well to our research: Quantum Chemistry, Quantum/Classical, Quasi-Continuum … I graduated (1993) from the Chemical Physics program in the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). After receiving Ph.D. (1997) from Emory with Professor Keiji Morokuma, a renowned quantum chemist, I did postdoctoral research with Professor Martin Karplus (2013 Nobel laureate) at Harvard. In 2001, I joined UW-Madison and rose through the ranks in the Chemistry department; I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being a Badger for the next 17 years. In the beginning of 2018, I’ve moved back to Boston and became a professor in the Chemistry department of Boston University and also affiliated with several other departments/programs.
While not working (not sure how often), I enjoy traveling, reading about (science) history, music, art, somewhat esoteric topics, playing with my kids….and am a hopeless fan of sci-fi movies such as Star Wars:-)
A more professional but old CV is here.