CTMH Hosts World Mental Health Day Event

On October 10, 2024, the Center for Trauma and Mental Health hosted an event open to the BUSPH community for World Mental Health Day. The event consisted of a series of lightning talks focusing on trauma and mental health research conducted by the earlier career members of our BUSPH community including  Koichiro Shiba (Epidemiology), Sharonda Lovett (Epidemiology), Gabe Murchison (Community Health Sciences), Noel Vest (Community Health Sciences), Sarah Gordon (Health Law, Policy, and Management), Patrick Koval (Biostatistics), Yareliz Diaz (Health Law, Policy, and Management), Mary Willis (Epidemiology), PhuongThao Le (Community Health Sciences), and Marcia Pescador Jimenez (Epidemiology).

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  • Yareliz Diaz (HLPM)

  • Mary Willis (EPI)

  • Sarah Gordon (HLPM)

  • Marcia Pescador Jimenez (EPI)

  • Patrick Koval (Biostats)

  • PT Le (CHS)

  • Sharonda Lovett (EPI)

  • Gabriel Murchison (CHS)

  • Koichiro Shiba (EPI)

  • Noel Vest (CHS)

  • CTMH Director, Jaimie Gradus (EPI)


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