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Mental Health and Why Schools Are at Fault

November 16, 2021 By Alex Shores We see it a lot in college. Freshmen in their first semester stuck in study spaces all through the night, exhausting themselves as they fight to stay awake and study for an engineering exam or finish a political science paper due the next morning. For some students, More

Mental Health in Young Adults: Interview With a BU Student

November 16, 2021 By Amanda Bang TW: Depression/Suicide Mental health has become a more prominent topic ever since the pandemic, especially for young adults. There has been an increase of people, especially college students suffering from deteriorating mental health or just an abundance of stress from the start and because of the pandemic. More

Mental Health and what BU Isn’t Doing to Help its Students

November 10, 2021 By Lindsay Boudreau TW: Depression/Suicide “I feel like I have reached a breaking point where I don't think I can carry myself on.” “I just can't get myself together.” “Probably no one I know from the school knows I feel this way.” “I'm hitting rock bottom…Who should I ask for help?” These are just... More

Fall in Love with Boston

November 9, 2021 By Lindsay Boudreau Ah, November. Midterms are finally over, and finals are a whole month away. We get a brief breath of fresh air before we have to dive back into studying again, and then the semester will be done before we know it. It’s easy to stay inside... More

When Are We Too Old for Halloween?

November 4, 2021 By Alex Shores Remember the elementary school years of trick or treating? Dressing up in a costume and going out with friends or siblings through your neighborhood, ringing doorbells, and coming home with candy that could last you weeks? For many of us, Halloween has seemed to have lost this... More

PSL Season

November 4, 2021 By Amanda Bang When do you mark the start of the fall season? When the leaves start changing colors? When it gets colder and you have to start digging into your closet to find your hoodies? When people start talking about Halloween and what they want to dress up... More

Not All Pumpkins are Orange

November 4, 2021 By Faisal Ahmed Pumpkins, or as they’re more affectionately known by the scientific community “Cucurbita Pepo”, are a lot more interesting than you might think. Every year C. Pepo pop all around the country marking the arrival of the fall season and aesthetic. On brand with the rest of... More

Music Transmissive of Culture

November 2, 2021 By Amanda Bang Music is something most people have part of their life. Spotify, one of the largest streaming platforms, has 365 million active users. Many can be seen with earphones listening to music on the street. It’s present in the background of cafes, restaurants, Netflix shows and even... More

The Ever-Changing World of Music

October 26, 2021 By Alex Shores What is your favorite song right now? How many times have you listened to it this week? How many times today? How about two years from now? Ten years from now? The role music plays in our lives is tremendous. Maybe you listen to hard rock during... More

Fake Networks

October 14, 2021 By Faisal Ahmed It has recently become a trite phrase. We’ve all heard someone say “Social media has taken over our lives'”. But it’s trite because it’s true. According to Pew Research’s Social Media fact sheet over 80% of individuals between the ages of 18-29 visit at least... More