Who We Are
Rachael Garrett (Network coordinator), Boston University
Rachael Garrett is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University. She is an interdisciplinary scientist whose expertise spans the fields of agricultural economics, land systems science, economic geography, and political ecology. Rachael’s work focuses on identifying sustainable agriculture technologies and conservation behaviors that can be adopted on a wide scale and the public and private policies needed to support these transitions.
Meredith Niles, University of Vermont
Meredith Niles is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences and Food Systems Initiative at the University of Vermont. She thinks and works across diverse disciplines with a focus on agriculture and food system policy, environmental and sustainable decision-making and behavior change among farmers, and food security and global environmental change.
Juliana Gil, Wageningen University
Juliana is an interdisciplinary scientist interested in sustainable agriculture, land use modeling simulations, climate change and the diffusion of low carbon agricultural technologies. The focus of her recent research has been the adoption of integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems in Brazil. Juliana graduated from the University of Sao Paulo in 2006 in Environmental Management. She acquired a M.Sc. degree in Environmental Protection and Agricultural Food Production in 2010 and a Ph.D. in Global Food Security in 2016, both from the Institute of Land Use Economics in the Tropics and Subtropics at the University of Hohenheim, Germany.
Owen Cortner, Boston University
Owen is a researcher and project manager focused on opportunities at the nexus of livelihoods, agriculture, and the environment. He has experience in diversified livestock systems spanning tropical and semi-arid landscapes in over a dozen countries. His goals are to provide sound, actionable evidence to decision-makers and to support local problem-solving. Owen received his MS in International Agricultural Development in 2016 at the University of California, Davis, completing fieldwork in Brazil through a USAID Research and Innovation Fellowship for Agriculture. Owen was a Fulbright scholar in Malaysia and holds a B.S. in environmental science from New Mexico State University. He is currently a Research Assistant at Boston University, though he lives and works in New Mexico, studying integrated crop-livestock systems.
Amelie Gaudin, University of California Davis
Amelie Gaudin is an Assistant Professor of Agroecology in the Department of Plant Science at the University of California, Davis. Her research centers on using ecological principles to design and develop climate-smart cropping systems. Amelie and her team investigate how livestock integration in Brazil and California improve carbon sequestration and drought resilience and measure the ecological outcomes of such system from the field to landscape scales.
Paulo César de Faccio Carvalho, Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Paulo is Professor at the Faculty of Agronomy in the Department of Forage Plants and Agrometeorology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. He leads the Research Group on Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems that investigate the how pasture-crop rotations impacts primary and secondary production, as well as ecosystem services.
Ermias Kebreab, University of California Davis
Professor and Sesnon Endowed Chair in Sustainable Animal Agriculture, Dept of Animal Science, University of California, Davis Deputy Director, Agricultural Sustainability Institute
Nathan D. Mueller, University of California Irvine
Nathan Mueller is an Assistant Professor at the University of California Irvine. He is an agricultural ecologist researching the interactions between environmental change and agricultural systems. He has analyzed global patterns and trends in crop productivity, opportunities to increase nutrient use efficiency, and how agricultural land use change modifies regional climate. Nathan is interested in how ICLS could enhance resilience to climate change and variability.
Caitlin A. Peterson, University of California Davis
Caitlin Peterson is a PhD student in Ecology at the University of California, Davis, with an interest in the agricultural ecology of integrated crop-livestock systems. She is working with Amelie Gaudin (UC Davis) and Paulo Carvalho (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) to examine ecological resilience towards climatic stress in integrated systems using a combination of remote sensing, soil ecological, and plant physiological approaches.

Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa)
- Julio Cesar dos Reis, Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral
- Joice Ferreira, Embrapa Amazonia Oriental
- Judson Valentim, Embrapa Acre

Ag Research New Zealand
- Robyn Dynes, Science Impact Leader- Farm Systems
- Margaret Brown, Senior Scientist, People and Agriculture
- Val Snow, Senior Scientist/Systems Modelling

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Alan Franzluebbers, Agricultural Research Service
- C. Alan Rotz, Agricultural Research Service

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- Porto Alegre – Brasil
- Paulo César de Faccio Carvalho