
2025-2026 Cycle Submission Instructions

Completed applications for the Educator Learning Grants program must be received by the Boston University Consortium Council no later than 5 pm (ET) on April 16, 2025, to be considered for funding.

  • All applications must be reviewed and approved by a district administrator (e.g., principal, coordinator, director, superintendent, etc.) before submission. Administrator contact information must be included.
  • All applications must be submitted electronically via the BU Wheelock website.
  • Include any additional support materials (e.g., conference brochure, consultant resume, etc.) as uploads to the form.

All grant applications will be reviewed by the BU Consortium Council. Applicants and the district administrator named on the cover sheet will be notified by May 7, 2025. Upon accepting a grant award, applicants agree to comply with all reporting and budgetary requirements.


The application for the 2025-2026 BU Consortium Educator Learning Grants program will open on February 1st of 2025.

If you would like to work your draft of your proposal offline, we are providing a template here for your convenience. However, the submission of your final grant proposal must be submitted via the online form below.

Consortium Grant Application

This is the form for gathering grant application information.

Section 1: Cover Page

Please enter the title of your project.
Grand Funding Category Requested
Please indicate which category your grant will fall under. Note: We anticipate only awarding up to two large grants this cycle.
Please enter the total amount that you are requesting for this project.
Have you received a BU Consortium grant in the past?
Is this proposal for continuing funds for a Consortium-funded project?
Please enter the district that this project is for. If this project cuts across districts, please indicate the district of the educator submitting the grant.
Please include grade level, if applicable.

Section 2: Project Description

  1. Answer all questions completely.
  2. Please stay within the specified word limit for each section.
  3. Be succinct – use bulleted lists as needed for clarity.
  4. If applicable, include web links for conference, consultants, etc., so as to provide sufficient information about outside providers and activities.
  5. To facilitate your completion of this application, please reference the exemplars provided above.
What do you plan to accomplish? (Small grants: about 250 words; medium grants: about 500 words; large grant: about 1,000 words)
Describe the project activities/events and a timeline of when they will occur (including evaluations). Consider a monthly bulleted timeline if applicable to your project. Activities should take place between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026. (No word limit for this section for any type of grant)
What is the expected impact on educator learning as a result of this project? Be as specific as possible. (Small grants: about 200 words; medium grants: about 400 words; large grant: about 800 words)
What is the expected impact on student learning as a result of this project? Be as specific as possible. (Small grants: about 200 words; medium grants: about 400 words; large grant: about 800 words)
How does this project promote equity, diversity, and/or inclusion? (Small grants: about 100 words; medium grants: about 200 words; large grant: about 400 words)
How will you evaluate whether you have met your project goal(s)? What measures will you use? (Small grants: about 100 words; medium grants: about 200 words; large grant: about 400 words)

Section 3: Budget

Itemize your project expenses in detail below by providing a short description for each applicable line item. The total grant budget may not exceed $2,000 (small grants), $5,000 (medium grants), or $10,000 (large grants). Proposals that utilize resources and expertise from Boston University are strongly encouraged.
  • Allowable Expenses:
  • Stipends for work outside of the school day/year that directly support professional learning and growth
  • Outside services (ex: consultants)
  • Supplies for professional development
  • Classroom supplies related to project implementation
  • Conference or workshop registration fees
  • Substitute teachers
  • Field trips
  • Other costs related to the project (please provide detailed information for expenses)
  • Non-Allowable Expenses:
  • College coursework
  • Fees for graduate credit
  • Travel expenses (i.e. transportation, meals, and lodging)
  • Expenses at other higher education institutions
List and describe each expense in this category, along with a rationale for their inclusion and a specific dollar amount. One expense per line. (No word limit for any grant level.)
Please provide us with a total dollar amount representative of all above categories of expenses.
If your grant is not selected for funding at the level requested, would you like to be considered for funding at a lower grant funding level?
Please briefly describe what changes you would need to make if the full amount of funding is not available.
Please describe who will provide this support (e.g., school or district funds, PTOs, other grant or donation) and give examples of what that additional support could be (e.g., use of materials and supplies, space or computers, planning and/or professional development time for teachers).
Please upload any additional support materials (e.g., conference brochure or consultant resume) you wish to include in your application.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.