The Hoopoe Tells the Birds About Their King, the Simorgh

The hoopoe sits atop a mountain in front of a crowd of birds, announcing their journey to the SimorghThis image is a collage style rendition of the Hoopoe’s announcement of the journey to the Simorgh to the conference of birds. Each visual aspect of the piece has a unique source; the hoopoe is a real picture of the bird, the word cloud comes from Photoshop, the Simorgh’s tail was created in a digital art program, the hill upon which the hoopoe sits was sketched in pencil, the birds gazing up at the hoopoe were made using construction paper and their eyes were drawn in pen. I compiled these many mediums to foreshadow the numerous art styles that would be used to portray the birds and valleys in the slides to come. Everyone’s path to the divine is unique, and thus every rendition of the journey must itself be unique. The Simorgh’s tail extends past the word bubble to show his all-encompassing power and to hint that he is closer to the birds than they might think. The background of the image is purposefully left blank in order to illustrate how each bird will forge their own path to God. The sky will be their canvas and, since the journey has yet to begin, it is a blank one.

Background music: composition for Tar
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