Boston-Area Heat Health Working Group
The Boston-Area Heat Health Working Group brings together and fosters conversation among individuals focused on reducing the adverse health impacts of heat in communities around the Boston Metro area. We welcome participation from members of local academic institutions, community based organizations, government agencies, private companies, and more.
Upcoming Meetings:
Heat Exposure & Health in Schools
Date: Thursday April 4, 2023
Time: 3-4 pm via zoom
– Sara Ross, from UndauntedK12
– Sharon Ron, from MAPC
– Dr. Patricia Fabian, from Boston University School of Public Health, Environmental Health
Previous Meetings
This group was founded and led for many years by John Bolduc, formerly of the City of Cambridge. The group is currently organized by Greg Wellenius (BU), Sharon Ron (MAPC), and Pat Kinney (BU).
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