CCH Affiliates Secure Pilot Funding to Study Heat Vulnerability

Several CCH affiliates have been awarded pilot funding for climate and health work recently. CCH research scientists Chad Milando and Emma Gause, and Kipruto Kirwa (Environmental Health) were awarded an early stage urban research award from BU’s Initiative on Cities (IOC) to study the effect of historical redlining on heat vulnerability in Massachusetts.

Amruta Nori Sarma (Environmental Health) also secured an early stage urban research award from the IOC to examine the intersection of vulnerabilities related to urban heat islands, homelessness, and serious mental illness.

Chad Milando, with support from Matt Fox (Epidemiology) and Vijay Kolachalama (Medicine and Computational Biomedicine), was also awarded a small grant under the BU SPH pilot program to to develop and apply a precision medicine approach to identifying who is at greatest risk of heat-related illness.

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