CleanTech Club

We aim to…

  1. Increase the presence of cleantech knowledge within the BU community.
  2. Inspire sustainable innovation through engineering and technology.
  3. Invite students, faculty, and industry professionals to learn from one another.
  4. Impact the local and global environment positively and directly.


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Who Are We?

Founded in 2019, CleanTech Club is a student-led Boston University organization created to bring together those enthusiastic about sustainability and technological innovation. We are a campus group dedicated to cultivating a community and culture around engineering solutions that help the planet.

Our mission is to create a community of students and faculty here at BU interested in the development and promotion of environmentally sustainable technology. As we continue into this age where there is an ever-increasing growth of advanced technology and an equally increasing need to aggressively address global environmental issues, the Boston University CleanTech Club strives to create a space on campus where both the discussion of these issues and the actions necessary to help fix them are encouraged, allowing for students of all disciplines to come together and make a difference.


What is ‘CleanTech’?

‘CleanTech’ or ‘cleantech’ stems from ‘clean technology’, and it is the philosophy of increasing technological performance, productivity, and efficiency while minimizing negative effects on the environment. It is an all-encompassing term that involves much more than renewable energy: advanced materials, sustainable protein, electric vehicles, water treatment, waste management, geoengineering, and indoor farming are some of the many industries in the cleantech space.

Students who join CleanTech Club are multidisciplinary by definition, thinking about both sustainability and improving technology. It is a common misconception that you have to be an engineer to be involved in cleantech. In reality, you can be in any stage of education, any major track, and any career path to get into cleantech. BU CleanTech Club brings together students interested in business, engineering, policy, computer science, public health, and more in the name of creating a space of diverse minds and backgrounds.


What do We Do?

Primarily focused on learning and collaborative thinking, CleanTech Club has meetings centered around various topics in areas of green engineering, clean innovation, environmental technologies, sustainable advancements, and more.


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and professional/career opportunities!

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