Outflows and Disks around Young Stars: Synergies for the Exploration of Ullyses Spectra

The ODYSSEUS team is made up of over 80 international T Tauri star experts who are using the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards (ULLYSES) Director’s Discretionary program to

  1. measure how the accretion flow depends on the accretion rate and magnetic structures,
  2. determine where winds and jets are launched and how mass loss rates compare to accretion, and
  3. establish the influence of FUV radiation on the chemistry of the warm inner regions of planet-forming disks.

In addition to attaining COS and STIS observations using over 500 HST orbits, ODYSSEUS is attaining ancillary data in wavelengths ranging from X-ray to sub-mm.

A schematic of magnetospheric accretion onto young stars (top panel, Hartmann et al. 2016), and a typical FUV spectrum of a T Tauri star, revealing a complex forest of H2, CO, resonance, and semi-forbidden lines (bottom panel, France et al. 2012). ULLYSES FUV/NUV spectra will provide access to powerful spectral diagnostics of the young star and innermost disk, from which our analysis will extract fundamental accretion, outflow, and disk properties, crucial information necessary to interpret the disk chemistry revealed by ALMA and soon by JWST.
A schematic of magnetospheric accretion onto young stars (top panel, Hartmann et al. 2016), and a typical FUV spectrum of a T Tauri star, revealing a complex forest of H2, CO, resonance, and semi-forbidden lines (bottom panel, France et al. 2012). ULLYSES FUV/NUV spectra will provide access to powerful spectral diagnostics of the young star and innermost disk, from which our analysis will extract fundamental accretion, outflow, and disk properties, crucial information necessary to interpret the disk chemistry revealed by ALMA and soon by JWST.


Support for this work provided by NASA through grant number AR 16129 from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.