Máire Volz

- Email mvolz@bu.edu
Hi! I’m Máire, a graduate student at Boston University. I am working on reducing and analyzing JWST MIRI spectra of protoplanetary disks. I seek to identify prominent atomic and molecular emission lines. My work focuses in part on the Ne III/Ne II ratio, which constrains the photoevaporation lifetime of a disk.
Before arriving at BU, I graduated from CU Boulder with a B.A. in Astrophysics. As an undergraduate, I modeled stellar spectra as seen by the ESCAPE small explorer mission at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.
Between undergrad and graduate school, I worked as an AmeriCorps-sponsored Math Fellows instructor at North High School in Denver, Colorado. I was also a NASA intern during that time, where I performed data analysis of NASA-supported postdoctoral fellowships in support of HQ’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives.
Personal website: https://mairesplanet.neocities.org