Recent Events
Poster Session with Novartis!
We worked with a team at Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research (NIBR) to set up a poster session for BU graduate students onsite at Novartis in the summer of 2019. It was a fantastic opportunity to present research and get feedback from industry professionals. The poster session was followed by a networking reception.
Chemistry Piano and Museum of Science!
Members of the Beeler lab and some BUWIC members have worked hard on the Chemistry themed “Play me I’m Yours” piano now at the museum of science!
By Boston Women In Chemistry
April 4th, 2012 in Resources, Useful Documents and Info.
Thanks to everyone who came to the lunch discussion with Dr. Rebecca Casaubon! There were a lot of relevant questions asked and good topics discussed. Below you can find some of the links discussed and recommended by Dr. Casaubon.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
March 26th, 2012 in Events, Panels and Discussions.
Please join us for the upcoming lunch discussion with Dr. Rebecca Casaubon, Senior Scientist at Sirtris Pharmaceuticals!
When: Friday, March 30th 12:00-1:30PM
Where: SCI room 512
Dr. Casaubon will be discussion her career in the pharmaceutical industry and the career choices that helped her obtain her current position.
We encourage all graduate student and post-doc BUWIC members to join us for this interesting discussion. And don’t forget to bring your questions about careers in the pharmaceutical industry!
Lunch will be provided by BUWIC.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
March 6th, 2012 in Panels and Discussions.
Thanks for everyone who came out last Wednesday to make our panel discussion and networking event a success! And of course a big thanks to our panelists Tracy Callahan, Preshious Reardon, Gauri Nair, and Georgiana Kuhlmann, who answered a lot of questions about their specific careers as well as some of the challenges and decisions of choosing a non-traditional scientific career.
Look forward to more events like this in the future. And don’t forget to check out the resources section of the website!
Panelists for the Non-Traditional Careers for Scientists
By Boston Women In Chemistry
February 22nd, 2012 in Events, Panels and Discussions.
Please join us on Wednesday, February 29th for a panel discussion and networking reception for Non-Traditional Careers for Scientists.
This will be an interactive discussion on career options with professionals from a variety of science related fields. Our panelists include:
- Tracy Callahan, Ph.D. – Community Lab Director, Biogen
- Preshious Reardon, Ph.D. – Senior Technical Staff Member, Draper Laboratory
- Guari Nair, Ph.D. – Analyst at Scientia
- Georgiana Kuhlmann, M.A. – Analyst at Decision Resources
Beer and wine refreshments as well as snacks will be provided for the networking reception. All graduate students and post-docs are welcome to join us.
See the event flyer for more information.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
January 9th, 2012 in Funding Opportunities, Resources.
There is still funding available for conference application fees from the generous support of Vertex. We have extended the deadline for applications until June 1st! (or until all funding has been allocated). This will allow for those attending conferences this spring to apply.
The award is for BUWIC members to cover conference fees (up to $200).
The application and more info can be found HERE.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
December 5th, 2011 in Resources, Useful Documents and Info.
Thanks to everyone who came to the roundtable discussion on networking and it plays different roles in the careers of men vs. women.
A lot of interesting points were raised by those who joined us, including Lauren Celano of Propel Careers, Deborah Belle and her Grad student Amanda Gibson (who conducted a recent study on networking among BU grad students) and Beverly A. Brown, director of development for both the Center for Global Health & Development (CGHD) and the Office of Technology Development (OTD) at Boston University.
Some important networking tips and information provided by Lauren Celano can be found HERE, as well as on our Resources page.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
October 19th, 2011 in Events, GWISE and WISE.
Please join us for our upcoming roundtable discussion on networking with special guest Lauren Celano.
When: December 2nd, 12:00-1:30pm
Where: LSEB, 24 Cummington St., Room 103
Lunch will be provided for participants.
What You Know or Who You Know?
This will be an interesting discussion about how networking to advance your career is used differently by men and women. A recent study published in the Journal of Social Science Research (found here) suggests that men are better at networking and therefore are able to reap the associated benefits. We will be discussing why this might be so and what it means.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
October 10th, 2011 in Colloquium Seminar, Events.
Mark your calendar for the BUWIC invited colloquium speaker, Prof. Sarah Reisman. In addition to the research seminar, there will be a lunch with BUWIC members.
Monday October 31st
Lunch with BUWIC members
LSEB 103 12:00-1:30pm
Open to all current BUWIC members, no RSVP required.
Prof. Reisman will discuss how her life and career choices have influenced her ultimate choice of a career in academia. Questions and discussion will be welcome.
Colloquium Research Seminar
LSEB B01 4:00-5:00pm
“New Methods and Strategies for the Enantioselective Synthesis of Polycyclic Natural Products”
Abstract: The overarching goal of the Reisman laboratory is to discover, develop, and study new chemical reactions within the context of natural product total synthesis. To this end, our laboratory has several ongoing research programs targeting the total synthesis of biologically active diterpenoid and ETP natural products. This seminar will describe our recent progress in these endeavors, including our synthetic studies toward the natural products maoecrystal Z and acetylaranotin.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
September 27th, 2011 in Events.
The 1st annual Women In Chemistry Symposium hosted by Harvard Women in Chemistry was a great success. BU was well represented with both both talks and posters.
We also want to give a special congratulations to Katie Ellis, who won the award for Best Poster!
By Boston Women In Chemistry
August 30th, 2011 in Events.
Its that time of year again! Free ice cream time! (and info about BUWIC, of course)
When: Friday September 9th, 3-4pm
Where: LSEB 103
Who: Both women AND men are encouraged to attend. (Sometimes the first year guys get scared off by our events…)
For all first year grad students membership in BUWIC is free!
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