Welcome to BUWIC!

Who are we?

Boston University Women in Chemistry (BUWIC) is a student-run organization which works closely with the Chemistry Department and the Graduate Women In Science and Engineering (GWISE) organization at Boston University to provide support and networking opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

What do we do?

Research Seminars: Leading women in academia and industry present their science to the broader BU community

Discussions and Panels: Women scientists from all career levels speak candidly about their goals, choices, and career paths

Educational Outreach: BU students lead chemistry lessons and tutor at local high schools; Chemistry Day

Resume & CV Workshops

Social Events

Who can join?

Any graduate student or postdoctoral scholar who is interested in BUWIC’s events and mission.

Become a member of BUWIC to attend our career seminars, participate in workshops, and apply for travel fellowships!  

Email: buwic@bu.edu

Check out our Facebook page as well! Boston University Women in Chemistry FB