By Boston Women In Chemistry
August 25th, 2014 in Events.
BUWIC successfully hosted a Chemistry Jeopardy Game Night on Friday July 25. Congratulations to the winning team! :)
What: Chemistry Themed Jeopardy Game
When: Friday July 25 at 6:00 pm
Where: SCI 294
Who: All grad students, post docs, faculty & undergads 21+
By Boston Women In Chemistry
June 13th, 2014 in Events.
The nominations are in and the officers for the 2014-2015 academic year are:
President: Stacy Chin
Vice-President: Jessica Biagi
Seminar Coordinators: Diane Hamann & Katie Summo
Outreach Coordinator: Reem Telmesani
Social Coordinator: Emily Allen
Treasurer: Stephanie Maiocco
Secretary: Alexis Courtney
Webmaster: Gina Kim
And thank you to Katie Summo for all her great work as the previous BUWIC President and to Cheryl Chiang as the previous BUWIC treasurer!
By Boston Women In Chemistry
May 9th, 2014 in Colloquium Seminar, Events.
BUWIC hosted a lunch seminar series Monday, May 12th at 12pm in LSE 103 with our invited colloquium speaker Emily Balskus (Harvard Univeristy, Balskus Home Page).
Dr. Balskus graduated from Williams College in 2002 as valedictorian with highest honors in chemistry. She later pursued graduate studies in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, receiving her PhD in 2008. From 2008-2011 she was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School in the lab of Prof. Christopher T. Walsh. Today, she is an assistant professor in Harvard's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, where her research focuses on the merging of organic chemistry, biosynthesis, & microbiology.
What: Lunch Seminar
Where: LSE 103
When: Monday, May 12th at 12:00
Who: All grad students, post-docs, and undergrads
We hope to see many of you there!
The 2013-2014 Colloquium Series continues Monday at 4:00pm with Prof. Emily Balskus from Harvard University. She will be speaking on:
'Gut Reactions: Understanding the Chemistry of the Human Microbiota'
As a note, the lecture series has been moved from SCI 113 to SCI 117 for this semester. Talk begins at 4:00pm, with refreshments served at 3:30pm.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
May 8th, 2014 in Outreach.
The Boston University (BU) Chemistry Department and BU Women in Chemistry (BUWIC) have sponsored the sixth annual Chemistry Day on Friday, May 2, 2014. Through this collaboration, we hosted over 170 high school students, from Brighton (Brighton), O’Bryant (Roxbury), and Boston Latin (Dorchester) high schools, making this our most attended Chemistry Day. The event began when we welcomed our high school students with a one-hour demonstration show led by BUWIC’s Outreach Coordinator, Stacy Chin (BU Chemistry, 2nd year). These demonstrations focused on chemistry concepts regarding pH changes of a solution, the ideal gas law, making “Elephant’s Toothpaste,” and the “Methane Mamba.” Afterwards, the students broke off into 12 smaller groups, led by our BU undergraduate volunteers, to tour different chemistry labs and the BU Chemical Instrument Center (CIC). The students also got to work together in our undergraduate teaching laboratory to perform an oxidation and reduction metal experiment (a variation on a CH101 undergraduate lab experiment) and also use glow sticks to investigate different antioxidants in common vitamins and foods. These experiments were led by graduate students Stacy Chin, Kathryn Summo (BUWIC President), Jessica Biagi (BUWIC Vice President), Diane Hamann (BUWIC Seminar Coordinator), Stephanie Maiocco (BUWIC Social Coordinator), Cheryl Chiang (BUWIC Treasurer), and Gina Kim (BUWIC Webmaster and Secretary). Before returning to their high schools at the end of this half-day event, the students enjoyed a BBQ lunch sponsored by the Chemistry Department.
BU Chemistry Day is the conclusion of an outreach program coordinated by Stacy during the 2014 spring academic semester. Throughout the course of the program, 8 BU undergraduates visited multilingual chemistry classrooms at Brighton, O’Bryant, and Boston Latin High Schools, every other week to mentor students, assist teachers with instruction, and perform demonstrations.
BU Chemistry is grateful to all of those involved, with special thanks to:
- BUWIC- Kathryn Summo (President), Jessica Biagi (Vice President), Stacy Chin (Outreach Coordinator), Diane Hamann (Seminar Coordinator), Stephanie Maiocco (Social Coordinator), Cheryl Chiang (Treasurer), and Gina Kim (Webmaster & Secretary).
- Teaching lab coordinators: Boris Bezverkhny
and Alex Golger
- Graduate Student and Post-doctoral Teaching Fellow Volunteers: Matt Golder, Evan Darzi, Evan Judd, Steven Hannigan, and Daniele Ramella
- Undergraduate “Outreachers”: Kyle Bannon (O’Bryant), Kelly Demeo (O’Bryant), Pyria Jani (Brighton), Doreen Sayadfar (Brighton), Abby Eichelman (Brighton), Min Yang (Brighton), May Young (Boston Latin), Tessa Lynch-Colameta (Boston Latin), Esther Yan (Boston Latin).
Undergraduate Volunteers: Francis Graff, Eric Loreaux, Leslie Fung, Ana Fernandez-Ravelo, Thuy Le, Daniel Wiley, Undina Osk, Koryn Palaski, Lynne Cherchia, Vasilis Paraschos, Stephen Figueroa, Anna Southworth, Niklaos Matsaniotis, Bryant Yu, Christie Yeo, Serah Yim, Jennifer Kwong
Here are some pictures from our awesome 2014 Chemistry Day!
By Boston Women In Chemistry
April 19th, 2014 in Funding Opportunities.
Pfizer has generously donated $1000 to BUWIC for the upcoming year! Thank you very much Pfizer!
By Boston Women In Chemistry
April 16th, 2014 in Events, Lunch Q&A.
BUWIC is hosting the next event in our lunch seminar series this Friday, April 18 at 12pm in LSE 103. Baudouin Gerard, a senior scientist at H3 Biomedicine, will be joining us and giving an informal talk on his career path and the research that he does now.
Baudouin received his Ph.D. in 2007 from Boston University working in the Porco group. He then went on to the Broad Institute where he remained until 2011, when he joined H3 Biomedicine as a Senior Scientist working in drug discovery.
What: Lunch Seminar
Where: LSE 103
When: Friday April 18, 12pm
Who: All grad students, post-docs, and undergrads
We hope to see many of you there