By Boston Women In Chemistry
August 29th, 2011 in Events.
Don’t forget to register for the 1st annual Boston Women in Chemistry Symposium (Boston WInCS). Registration closes Tuesday September 6th.
Visit the event website to register (expired link removed).
When: Saturday September 24, 2011
Where: Harvard University
The symposium will showcase the excellent work of female graduate students and post-docs from the greater Boston area. Throughout the day students are invited to participate in poster sessions and give 20-minute talks about their research. The symposium will also feature presentations by Prof. Xiaowei Zhuang, Ph.D. from Harvard and Jennifer Feeley, Ph.D. from ExxonMobil. Lunch will be provided and you are invited to mingle with your new acquaintances and colleagues at a wine and cheese reception following the last event of the day. Awards for the best talk and poster will be presented at the reception.
All interested parties including faculty and students are encouraged to attend the event, but presentations of talks and posters will be limited to female students and post-docs.
Talk and poster abstracts may be submitted with your registration. Registration will include a $10 registration fee to help offset the cost of food. Registration closes on September 6, 2011 and speakers will be selected and notified by September 10, 2011.
By Boston Women In Chemistry
August 14th, 2011 in Funding Opportunities, Resources.
BUWIC is happy to announce an opportunity for funding made possible by Vertex Pharmaceuticals. BUWIC members can apply for conference support, which will cover conference fees (up to $200).
All applications received by November 1, 2011 will be reviewed together. Any subsequent applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all of the funds for 2011-2012 have been allocated.
Applications can be found HERE.
Tagged: conference fees, Vertex