Category: Events
Resume Seminar
BUWIC hosted a Resume Seminar on Thursday, October 23 at 5:30 pm in LSE103. The seminar featured guest speakers with a variety of experience in human resources and recruiting scientific candidates.
Joyce Ozer is a long time recruiter who has screened, interviewed, and recruited research scientists and administrators for a variety of companies and positions. She currently works at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and has previously held positions at Nova Biomedical, GTC Biotherapeutics, Massachusetts Biologics Laboratories, Toxikon, and Cubist Pharmaceuticals.
Brian Coughlin, President of Coughlin HR Consulting, has twenty seven years expertise in human resource managment, and twenty five years experience as an adjunct faculty member at Fisher College and recently Dean College. He has developed and delivered courses in Human Resource Management, Principles of Management, and Economics classes. Brian has a passion to help those in transitioning between jobs, and recently has assisted PhD Scientists during transition from companies such as AstraZeneca, Sanofi and Merck.
Lunch Seminar: Professor Ksenia Bravaya
On Friday, October 17 at 12pm in SCI 512, BUWIC hosted a lunch seminar to welcome Professor Ksenia Bravaya to the BU Chemistry Department! She gave a talk about her research interests. Welcome Professor Bravaya!

Breakfast Discussion: “The Confidence Gap”
On Friday, September 26 at 9:00 am in LSE 1004, BUWIC (led by Jessica Biagi) held a breakfast discussion on the April 2014 Atlantic Feature Article 'The Confidence Gap':
The feature was pieced together from excerpts of a new book by journalists Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, "The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self Assurance". The authors argue that men are generally more self confident than women, and to succeed in the world of the workplace this confidence matters more than competence. Join BUWIC as we critique the article, discussing whether this argument has any merits in the field of science and if so how women can exert more confidence in the work place.
Thanks for coming out!
First Year Ice Cream Social
BUWIC's annual First Year Ice Cream Social was held Friday, September 5th at 3:00 pm in LSE 103.
The annual BUYCC/BUWIC Summer BBQ was successfully held on Friday, August 22, 2014 at 12 pm in the lounge area outside of SCI 109.
As in past years, we had have plenty of food, games, and raffle prizes, including: Red Sox tickets, Six Flags tickets, Regal Cinemas movie package valued at $30, as well as gift certificates to Yard House, Sunset Cantina, Scoozi, and Pavement!
Congratulations to our raffle winners!! :)
Six flags - Wenyu Wang
Red Sox - Diane Hamann
Sunset Cantina - Reem Telmesani
Skoozi - Shasha Ji
Skoozi - Martin Betts
Yard House - Jessica Biagi
Regal Movie Pack - Mengqi Zhong
Starbucks - Alexis Courtney
Below are some pictures from the BBQ. Thanks for coming out, everyone!

Jeopardy Game Night!
BUWIC successfully hosted a Chemistry Jeopardy Game Night on Friday July 25. Congratulations to the winning team! :)
What: Chemistry Themed Jeopardy Game
When: Friday July 25 at 6:00 pm
Where: SCI 294
Who: All grad students, post docs, faculty & undergads 21+
Officer Election Results: 2014-2015
The nominations are in and the officers for the 2014-2015 academic year are:
President: Stacy Chin
Vice-President: Jessica Biagi
Seminar Coordinators: Diane Hamann & Katie Summo
Outreach Coordinator: Reem Telmesani
Social Coordinator: Emily Allen
Treasurer: Stephanie Maiocco
Secretary: Alexis Courtney
Webmaster: Gina Kim
And thank you to Katie Summo for all her great work as the previous BUWIC President and to Cheryl Chiang as the previous BUWIC treasurer!
BUWIC Invited Colloquium Speaker 2013-2014: Prof. Emily Balskus!
BUWIC hosted a lunch seminar series Monday, May 12th at 12pm in LSE 103 with our invited colloquium speaker Emily Balskus (Harvard Univeristy, Balskus Home Page).
Dr. Balskus graduated from Williams College in 2002 as valedictorian with highest honors in chemistry. She later pursued graduate studies in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, receiving her PhD in 2008. From 2008-2011 she was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School in the lab of Prof. Christopher T. Walsh. Today, she is an assistant professor in Harvard's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, where her research focuses on the merging of organic chemistry, biosynthesis, & microbiology.
What: Lunch Seminar
Where: LSE 103
When: Monday, May 12th at 12:00
Who: All grad students, post-docs, and undergrads
We hope to see many of you there!
The 2013-2014 Colloquium Series continues Monday at 4:00pm with Prof. Emily Balskus from Harvard University. She will be speaking on:
'Gut Reactions: Understanding the Chemistry of the Human Microbiota'
As a note, the lecture series has been moved from SCI 113 to SCI 117 for this semester. Talk begins at 4:00pm, with refreshments served at 3:30pm.
Lunch Q&A with Dr. Baudoiun Gerard!
BUWIC is hosting the next event in our lunch seminar series this Friday, April 18 at 12pm in LSE 103. Baudouin Gerard, a senior scientist at H3 Biomedicine, will be joining us and giving an informal talk on his career path and the research that he does now.
Baudouin received his Ph.D. in 2007 from Boston University working in the Porco group. He then went on to the Broad Institute where he remained until 2011, when he joined H3 Biomedicine as a Senior Scientist working in drug discovery.
What: Lunch Seminar
Where: LSE 103
When: Friday April 18, 12pm
Who: All grad students, post-docs, and undergrads
We hope to see many of you there
Alternative Career Panel Event with BUSEBG!
This is a reminder for a special BUWIC/BUSEBG (BU Science and Engineering Business Group) event on alternative careers for scientists. A Wine and Cheese Social will follow (21+ only).
Date and Time: Thursday, March 6th at 5:30pm
Where: LSEB 103, 24 Cummington Mall, Charles River Campus
Our panelists will give a brief introduction about themselves, what they are currently doing and how they got there. The floor will be opened to questions to allow for a dynamic and helpful discussion.
Panelists list:
Corporate Grant Writing and Project Management: Dr. Bethany Bracken, Scientist III at Charles River Analytics (PhD in Neuroscience from Brandeis University)
Consulting: Emily Welsh, Consultant at Halloran Consulting Group (MA in
Chemistry from Boston University)
IP Law: Dr. Christina Rodrigo (Student Associate at Finnegan, Henderson,
Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, PhD in Chemistry from Yale University)
Scientific Editor: Dr. Gail Tietzel, Editor for Trends in Microbiology (PhD in
Environmental Engineering form Northwestern University)
Alliance Management: Dylan Jacobs, Alliance Manager at Vertex
Sales and Marketing: Dr. Joshua Bishop, Regional Marketing Specialist at
PerkinElmer (PhD in Chemistry from Boston University)
Hope to see many of you there!