Lunch Q&A with Dr. Baudoiun Gerard!

in Events, Lunch Q&A
April 16th, 2014


BUWIC is hosting the next event in our lunch seminar series this Friday, April 18 at 12pm in LSE 103.  Baudouin Gerard, a senior scientist at H3 Biomedicine, will be joining us and giving an informal talk on his career path and the research that he does now.

Baudouin received his Ph.D. in 2007 from Boston University working in the Porco group.  He then went on to the Broad Institute where he remained until 2011, when he joined H3 Biomedicine as a Senior Scientist working in drug discovery.

What: Lunch Seminar

Where: LSE 103

When: Friday April 18, 12pm

Who: All grad students, post-docs, and undergrads

We hope to see many of you there