Lunch Q&A with Prof. Ashley Stevens!

in Lunch Q&A
January 31st, 2014


Please join BUWIC this Monday February 3rd at 12pm in LSE 103 for a lunch talk with Prof. Ashley Stevens.  Dr. Ashley Stevens received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Oxford.  He was a product manager at Procter & Gamble before moving in to the biotechnology sector, working for Biotechnica and Genmap. Dr. Stevens then took a position as the Director of the Office of Technology Transfer at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. He then took that same role at Boston University, and is now a lecturer in the School of Management for a Graduate level course entitled “Bench to Bedside: Biomedical Innovation”.  Dr. Stevens is also currently the President of Focus IP Group, LLC.

As always, lunch will be provided.

What: Lunch seminar with Dr. Ashley Stevens

Where: LSEB 103

When: Monday, February 3rd, 12 – 1 pm

Who: All grad students, post-docs, and faculty/staff

ashley stevens