Lunch with Dr. Marti Head from GSK!

in Events, Lunch Q&A, Uncategorized
October 22nd, 2012


In addition to this week’s BUWIC hosted seminar wtih Marti Head,  there will be a special lunch Q&A session for grad students and post-docs where she will discuss what its like to be a director of a division in a major pharmaceutical company as well as what career decisions lead her there. Dr. Head also works with the team integrating GSK’s acquisition of Sirtris and will be open to questions concerning her interactions with that part of the company and how it differs from more traditional research.

We would like to emphasize that this is going to be a general discussion, not limited to those interested in computational chemistry. All general questions (such as deciding on a  career move to a leadership position, or about what led her to GSK in particular) are welcome.
WHAT: Lunch with Marti Head, Director at GSK
WHEN: Wed., Oct 24th 12:00PM
WHO: Grad students and Post-Docs