Current Research Support

R01 DE031413  NIH/NIDCR,  04/2022 – 03/2027

Total budget: $3,000,000 (Approx.) for 5 years

PD/PI: Manish Bais                                

Mechanism of LSD1 Function and Its Therapeutic Application for Progressive Oral Malignancy: In this project, we propose to identify the key underlying causes of oral cancer by investigating changes in the chromatin environment brought about by an enzyme, lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1). We anticipate that this study will increase knowledge about the biology of oral cancer, explore a synergistic combination of effective therapy, and lead to the development of novel treatment strategies for feline and human oral cancer.


R01 DE030350 NIH/NIDCR  12/2020-11/2025

Total Award: $3,079,035 for 5 years

Role: Co-I (0.6 calendar/yr) , MPI: Kukuruzinska/Monti/Varelas

Defining the β-catenin/CBP axis in head and neck cancer: The goal of this project is to investigate how the aberrantly increased nuclear β- catenin/CBP branch of the Wnt/ β 3catenin signaling pathway promotes progression of early head and neck cancer tumors to metastatic disease.


DE031831,  PD/PI: Stefano Monti       04/2022 – 03/2025

Total $1,409,055 for 3 years                                       

Role: Co-I (0.9 calendar/yr)          PI: Stefano Monti                                      

System-Level Analyses of Multi-Omics Data to Reveal Mechanisms of Head & Neck Cancer: In this proposal, we will investigate mechanisms of oral cancer initiation and progression for the identification of novel candidate drivers of the disease amenable to therapeutic targeting. We will apply system-level computational approaches, including novel taxonomy discovery and Markov network inference and comparison methods, to analyze existing multi-omics mouse and human datasets. 


Eisai, Inc. 04/2022 – 03/2024 0.6 calendar

Total $336,000 for 2 years

Role: Co-I (1.2 calendar/ yr)   PI: Maria Kukuruzinska

Defining the impact of E7386 alone and in combination with anti-PD-1 antibody on tumor intrinsic immunity in head and neck cancer of the oral cavity: The aim of this project is to decode the effects of a small molecule inhibitor of the Beta-catenin/CBP axis, E7386, on the immune landscape in a syngeneic mouse model of oral carcinogenesis and assess its therapeutic significance.

Past Research Support

1R21DE026892 (PI: Bais, Manish)

09/01/2018 – 08/31/2021 for 3 years

Epigenetic targeting of LSD1 for OSCC Therapy: The goal of this project to evaluate the epigenetic role of LSD1 in EGF induced signaling  OSCC signaling pathways and identify therapeutic targeting strategy to inhibit translational applications.


1UL1TR001430, CTSI Pilot grant (PI: Bais, Manish)

10/01/18 – 09/30/2019 for 1 year

LSD1 in radio sensitization therapy for head and neck cancer: The goal of this project to evaluate the role of LSD1 radio sensitization therapy for head and neck cancer  and signaling pathways and identify therapeutic targeting strategy to inhibit it for translational applications.


R03 DE025274 (PI: Bais, Manish)

08/01/15 – 07/31/18 for 3 years

LOXL2 in Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis.

The goal of this study is to evaluate the hypothesis that a LOXL2-mediated mechanism induces an anabolic response and promotes repair in mouse and in temporomandibular joint Osteoarthritis.


Oral Cancer Affinity Research Collaboration, ARC grant(PI: Bais, Manish)

09/01/14 – 12/30/17 for 3 years

The role of LSD1 in epigenetic regulation in the extracellular microenvironment.

The study will demonstrate the role of LSD1 and specific small-molecule inhibitor GSK-LSD1 in regulating ECM proteins at genetic and epigenetic levels, including via whole-exome methylome analysis.