Autism Training for Sexual Assault Counselors

Welcome. This is a free training designed for college sexual assault counselors about autism and working with autistic survivors of sexual assault. It is a 90-minute, self-delivered, online learning experience that addresses your role at the intersection of autism and sexual assault on campus.

The modules build on one another and are intended to be taken in order:

  • Module 1: Autism
  • Module 2: Sexual assault and autism
  • Module 3: Counseling sexual assault survivors who are autistic

What Will You Learn?

The modules are designed to provide you with:

  • Foundational knowledge about autism
  • Understanding of the sexual assault prevention and response barriers that exist for disabled students/students with disabilities on campus, and potential solutions to some of those
  • Strategies and tools for providing more responsive and accessible counseling services to autistic survivors of sexual assault on campus

    Launch Course

    Launch the course by clicking here.

    • The course is free.
    • The course will open in a new tab.
    • The course does not save your progress.  You must complete it in one sitting.
    • Navigate the course by scrolling down each page. Course content will appear as you scroll.
    • Course content must be viewed in order.
    • You can revisit course pages that you have already viewed by using the left-side navigation bar.
    • Video content includes English closed-captions.

    Our Team

    The training was created by a team that included both autistic and non-autistic contributors, including:

    • Emily F. Rothman, ScD (Project Principal)
    • Gina Scaramella, MSW
    • Laura Graham Holmes, PhD
    • Joe Storch
    • Roma Shah
    • Morgan Clifford
    • Val Erwin
    • Reid Caplan
    • Brandy Haberer
    • Melody Chiang


    When you have completed the training, we would love your feedback. We invite you to complete our survey. You may also email Dr. Rothman for more information at


    Funding generously provided by the Organization for Autism Research