I am a postdoc in the CIDAR lab at Boston University and the MIT-Broad Foundry at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Currently, I am a researcher on projects under the 1000 Molecules component of the DARPA Living Foundries program, including software for designing genetic libraries (Double Dutch) and a database for storing and tracking changes to combinatorial genetic designs (Knox).
Prior to this position, I earned my Ph.D. in bioengineering from the University of Utah (2014), working with Prof. Chris J. Myers on computational methods for genetic design automation. During this time, I also served as an editor of the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) and contributed to the development of the SBOL 2.0 data standard.
My research interests include the application of domain-specific languages and software tools to the development of engineering foundations for synthetic biology and biometrology. It is my goal to create languages and tools that package proven techniques for measuring biology (and the data obtained with them) into a hierarchy of abstraction that facilitates engineering design and effective communication between synthetic biologists. I am also very interested in the use of games and simulation to teach synthetic biology to the public and introduce newcomers to the field.