Letters in Mandinka 3 (Mandinkakaŋ Leetaroolu 3)

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Title Letters in Mandinka 3 (Mandinkakaŋ Leetaroolu 3)
Author or Owner Seckou Barro (owner), Al-haaji Siidiya Jaabi of Tasliman also known as El-hadji Sidiya Diaby of Taslima (author)
Subject Announcement, Invitation, Memorial, Ceremony, Ethics, Morality
Content This collection contains two short documents written in Mandinka Ajami. The first text is an invitation note sent to local leaders (whose names are listed in the document). The second document is a copy of a popular Mandinka Ajami poem titled Teeroo I Tuloo Loo! (My Dear Friend, Listen!) dealing with religious ethics written by Al-haaji Siidiya Jaabi of Tasliman. The poem gives a range of advice for obtaining tranquility and success. The poet devotes much time to the importance of prayer, emphasizing that it is the fundamental act in the Muslim religion. Other advice includes performing good deeds and avoiding jealousy, theft, adultery, drugs, and alcohol. One should strive to cultivate love between spouses, neighbors, and friends; educate children; and avoid gossip and slander. Wealth is ephemeral and is not to be boasted about. The poet mentions four of the pillars of Islam: praying, fasting, making the pilgrimage, and giving alms if one has the means. He enjoins people to work hard, especially at farming, and to find a place to live instead of moving around constantly.
Genre Prose and poetry
Language Mandinka
Script Mandinka Ajami
Manuscript condition The manuscript is in good condition
Type Handwritten
Publisher Unpublished
Provenance Sedhiou, Senegal
Source Reference British Library: https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP1042-53-3; Ngom, Fallou, Castro, Eleni, & Diakité, Ablaye. 2018. African Ajami Library: EAP 1042. Digital Preservation of Mandinka Ajami Materials of Casamance, Senegal: https://open.bu.edu/handle/2144/37545
Access condition and copyright These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom (fngom@bu.edu).
Contributors Fallou Ngom, Ablaye Diakite, Bala Saho, Ousmane Cisse, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, Eric Schmidt, Rebecca Shereikis, Alison Parker, Shawn Provencal, and Mark Lewis.
Required citation information Fallou Ngom (PI), Ablaye Diakite, Bala Saho, Ousmane Cisse, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and other contributors. 2022. “Letters in Mandinka 3.” https://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/mandinka/mandinka-manuscripts/mandinkakan-leetaroolu-3/


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Transcription and Translations

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