Celebrating Cerno Aliiyu Ɓuuɓa Ndiyaŋ (Waccugol Cerno Aliiyu Ɓuuɓa Ndiyaŋ)

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Title Celebrating Cerno Aliiyu Ɓuuɓa Ndiyaŋ (Waccugol Cerno Aliiyu Ɓuuɓa Ndiyaŋ)
Author or Owner Salmaan Barry (author); Alpha Oumar Diallo (owner)
Subject Eulogy, Cerno Aliiyu ɓuuɓa Ndiyaŋ, Tijaniyya
Content This manuscript is a tribute to the spiritual leader Cerno Aliiyu ɓuuba Ndiyaŋ. It describes the sadness of the community the Saturday he died. It presents his death as a loss of a good person, a righteous guide who taught the community how to live righteously and how to worship God properly. The beginning of the manuscript deals with the prayers people said for him. The prayers include a request that God removes darkness from his tomb by bringing light there. The poet celebrates how he emphasized the Tijaniyya teachings and guided his followers appropriately so that they did not perform unrighteous acts and become spiritually lost. To many, it seems that he had wings like an angel. With these wings, he protected the community from falling into sin through his teaching, guidance, and prayers.
Genre Poetry
Language Fuuta Jalon Fula
Script Fuuta Jalon Fula Ajami
Manuscript condition Good with fraying around the edges
Type Handwritten
Publisher Unpublished
Provenance Dokkal, Fuuta Jalon, Guinea
Source Reference Mouhamadou L. Diallo and Fallou Ngom. 2016. African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Fuuta Jalon Pular Ajami Manuscripts: https://open.bu.edu/handle/2144/18721
Access condition and copyright These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom (fngom@bu.edu).
Contributors Fallou Ngom, David Robinson, Mouhamadou L. Diallo, Oustaz Barry, Daivi Rodima-Tailor, Boubacar Biro Diallo, Elhadji Djibril Diagne, Omar Diallo, David Glovsky, Ndieme Sow, Eric Schmidt, Alison Parker, Frank Antonelli, Shawn Provencal, and Mark Lewis.
Required citation information Fallou Ngom (PI), Boubacar Biro Dialllo, Elhadji Djibril Diagne, David Glovsky, Ndieme Sow, Daivi Rodima-Taylor, and other contributors. 2022. “Celebrating Cerno Aliiyu Ɓuuɓa Ndiyaŋ.” http://sites.bu.edu/nehajami/the-four-languages/fula/fula-manuscripts/waccugol-cerno-aliiyu-buuba-ndiyan/


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