Dr. Spielberg has moved to the University of Delaware: http://sites.udel.edu/jmsp/
Motivation & Executive Function
in Trauma & Anxiety lab
PI: Jeffrey M. Spielberg, Ph.D.
The METAlab investigates neural networks involved in trauma and anxiety, with a particular focus on circuitry involved in two sets of processes central to pursuing goals – motivation and executive function. The lab’s primary methodologies are resting and task fMRI, with graph theory being a common network analysis method (see the Tools tab for details about lab software).
Ongoing research projects include (see the Research tab for more details):
Parsing heterogeneity in the brain networks involved in PTSD
Influence of endocrine factors (e.g., testosterone) on brain networks
Genetic basis of individual differences in brain networks that predispose toward/exacerbate pathology
Interactive impact of PTSD and traumatic brain injury on brain networks
Parsing aspects of risk preference (e.g., loss aversion) & their contribution to anxiety
Students interested in joining the lab should contact metalab.bu@gmail.com. We have no currently open postdoc slots, but opportunities may be available and interested individuals should contact the lab.
We are affiliated with the Neuroimaging Research for Veterans (NeRVe) Center, VA Boston Healthcare System, Jamaica Plain Campus