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Impact the Future of Boston

The City Planning & Urban Affairs program in collaboration with the Initiative on Cities is soliciting feedback from the Boston University community as part of Imagine Boston 2030’s community engagement process.

Stakeholders from across Boston University will be invited to participate in a series of focus groups, survey and charrette that will promote discussion about how and why individuals live, work, play and learn in Boston.

Insights and experiences gleaned from this process will be compiled into recommendations that will be presented to Imagine Boston 2030.

Our Mission

Our mission is to allow the Boston University community the opportunity to have a unified voice within the Boston comprehensive master plan effort. Insights and experiences gathered from this process will be compiled into recommendations that will be presented to Imagine Boston 2030.

Get Involved

We want to hear from you – whether you are an undergrad or PhD student, staff of faculty member. Get involved by helping to organize a focus group through an existing campus organization or an informal gathering of friends.