Getting research started in the biomaterials lab

  • Finish safety training for research, university wide training, general lab.
  • Familiarize yourself with the research lab, e.g. emergency evacuation exit, safety shower, first aid station, fire alarm, and emergency call.
  • Familiarize yourself with the research policies and logistics: equipment use, supply order, lab maintenance.
  • Check research facilities: equipment location, general lab supplies, location of PPE, RO water, chemical storage, fume hood, biosafety cabinet, spill kit, and waste disposal.

Lab Safety for working in weekend and evening

      All residents who perform research activities in the biomaterials lab in weekends, holidays, snow days when medical campus is closed due to snow storm, and evenings are reminded of the following laboratory safety rules:
  • Residents are not allowed to work alone in the laboratory. Any resident should be accompanied by another research person in lab (buddy system) or tell a close friend to check his/her safety in a desired time.
  • Follow all BU laboratory safety regulation on chemical, PPE and other lab safety.
  • Eating or drinking is not allowed in the research laboratory.
  • Familiarize yourself with first aid kit and safety exits.


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