
Wenlu and Zhaoyi publish first papers on EPoN

By Joerg WernerOctober 22nd, 2024in News

Congratulations to Wenlu and Zhaoyi for each publishing a first-author paper on our Electrodeposition of Polymer Networks (EPoN), a novel fabrication mechanism for ultrathin (10-100s nm) polymer coatings that are conformal even on porous and non-planar materials.

Wenlu describes the single-component oxidative EPoN using phenol as polymer end groups in Advanced Materials

Zhaoyi describes the reductive EPoN of polymers with bromoisobutyrate end groups and a complementary small-molecule crosslinker in RSC Applied Polymers

Joerg receives DARPA Young Faculty Award

By Joerg WernerNovember 30th, 2023in News

We are grateful to receive funding through the 2023 DARPA YFA program. We are looking forward to many exciting discoveries in this research endeavor that combines our micro-architected electrodes with our ultrathin polymer coatings to drive towards tailored multiscale sorbents architected from the molecular chemistry to the mesoscopic structure to the macroscopic shape.

Check out this brief article by BU's College of Engineering:

Zhaoyi successfully defended his MS thesis!

By Joerg WernerJuly 24th, 2023in News

We congratulate Zhaoyi Zheng for successfully defending his MS thesis titled "TWO-COMPONENT ELECTROCHEMICAL COUPLING REACTION FOR END-GROUP ASSISTED ELECTRODEPOSITION OF ULTRATHIN POLYMER FILMS". Great job Zhaoyi and we are looking forward to your continued research progress as a PhD student!

Chase receives UROP Award

By Joerg WernerSeptember 29th, 2022in News

Congratulations to Chase for receiving an Undergraduate Student Research Opportunity (UROP) award for the fall semester supporting his work on architected electrodes! This is Chase's second UROP award and demonstrates his commitment and progress to his research. Keep up the good work!