Previous Studies

These are relevant publications to our study.


Borrelli, B., Rueras, N., Jurasic, M. (2021).  Delivery of a Smoking Cessation Induction Intervention via Virtual Reality Headset during a Dental Cleaning. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 11(1), 182-188. PMID: 31665495

Borrelli, B. & O’Connor, G.T. (2019) E-Cigarettes to Assist with Smoking Cessation.  New England Journal of Medicine. 380:678-679. 2019 Feb 14. doi: 10.1056/NEJMe1816406. PMID: 30699299

Halterman, J.S., Riekert, K., Fagnano, M., Tremblay, P., Blaakman, S., Tajon, R., Wang., H., & Borrelli, B. (2021). Effect of the School-Based Asthma Care for Teens (SB-ACT) Trial on Asthma Morbidity: A 3-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Asthma. Dec 12; 1-16. PMID: 33307900. DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2020.1856869

Clawson, A.H., McQuaid, E.L., Borrelli, B. (2018) Smokers who have children with asthma: Perceptions about child secondhand smoke exposure and tobacco use initiation and parental willingness to participate in child-focused tobacco interventions. Journal of Asthma. 55(4):373-384. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2017.1339797. PMID: 28759279.

Clawson, A.H., McQuaid, E.L., Dunsiger, S., Bartlett, K., & Borrelli, B. (2018). The longitudinal, bidirectional relationships between child secondhand smoke exposure and smoking trajectories.  Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 41(2), 221-231. PMID: 29022139. PMCID: PMC5844796