BU URBAN will be participating in #ShutDownSTEM on June 10, 2020

On Wednesday, June 10, BU URBAN will participate in a day of mourning and reflection for #ShutDownSTEM #ShutDownAcademia #Strike4BlackLives. Instead of business as usual, we will focus on advancing our program’s plan of action to eradicate racism in academia and society at large (see https://www.shutdownstem.com/ for more).

Operationally, this means that our Program Manager, Evan Kuras, will devote the day to evaluating how BU URBAN’s programming, practices, and policies are informed by and contribute to systems of racism and oppression, with the goal of making our program more inclusive, diverse, welcoming, and just. We invite you to participate in this day of mourning and reflection alongside BU URBAN.

Before you move on, a few links to explore:

  1. Our Statement of Partnership and Solidarity
  2. An incredible list of self-education resources from the Howard Thurman Center
  3. Fundraiser organized by BU student organizations for the Black Visions Collective, Campaign Zero, and NAACP Legal Defense Fund

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