The BU Undergraduate Economics Journal is a peer-reviewed publication with a focus on advancing high-quality undergraduate research. Endorsed by the  Department of Economics and Boston University, the journal is committed to upholding professional standards and contributing to the scholarly discourse in the field. 

Submission Guidelines

We encourage submissions from BU undergraduates. As we are publishing our first edition, we have streamlined the process for your convenience. Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Craft an Exceptional Paper: Develop a compelling research paper that aligns with our journal’s focus.
  • Seek Professorial Review and Approval: Present your paper to your professor for thorough review and approval. Ensure it meets the scholarly standards we uphold. Please request your professor to forward your research paper to us at Ensure that you are cc’d on the email for your records.

We accept a wide spectrum of academic contributions- research papers, theses, course term papers, and articles addressing current economic issues and trends. We invite submissions in any field of economics, encompassing both macroeconomics and microeconomics, economic policy analysis, behavioral economics, environmental economics, development economics, labor economics, international trade and finance, health economics, econometrics, urban and regional economics, financial economics, game theory, legal economics, management science, business and finance.

Submissions for the Spring 2024 issue must be received by March 29th, 2024.


Formatting and Citation Expectations for Economics 

Research Paper Format: Submissions should be in PDF format. Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) with a 12-point font size. Double-space the entire manuscript, including references and footnotes. Page margins should be one inch on all sides.

Title Page: Include a title page with the title of the research paper, names and affiliations of all authors, and contact information for the corresponding author.

Abstract: Provide a concise abstract of 150-250 words summarizing the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.

Headings and Subheadings: Use a clear and consistent hierarchy of headings and subheadings to organize the manuscript.

Figures and Tables: Clearly label all figures and tables with descriptive titles and ensure they are appropriately numbered and cited in the text.

Equations: Number and label equations consistently. Reference equations in the text by their assigned numbers.

Citations: Follow the citation style specified by the journal (e.g., APA, Chicago, or other widely accepted styles). Ensure accurate and complete citations for all sources used in the manuscript. Use in-text citations for references within the text, and compile a comprehensive reference list at the end of the manuscript.

Reference List: Arrange the reference list alphabetically by the last name of the first author. Include complete publication details for each reference, following the specified citation style.

Page Limit: The research paper should not exceed 20 pages.

Language and Style: Write in clear, concise, and grammatically correct language.
Maintain a formal and scholarly writing style suitable for an economics journal.

Ethical Considerations: Confirm compliance with ethical standards, including proper citation practices, avoidance of plagiarism, and adherence to data protection and privacy regulations.

These formatting and citation expectations are designed to ensure consistency, clarity, and adherence to scholarly standards in submissions to the BU Economic Review. Authors are encouraged to carefully review and follow these guidelines to facilitate a smooth and efficient review process.

Review Process: Manuscripts will undergo a peer-review process. Authors are expected to respond promptly to reviewers’ comments and suggestions.

For further information, contact the editor in chief ( or the copy editor(

The UEA team with the First Journal

The Journal Team